The man who sold the world

124 9 21

"Four years ago my father turned to me and asked me a question"

Y/n stark stood in front of flashing cameras and microphones being pushed into his face

"He said to me 'son, what do you think is the most dangerous thing on this planet?'"

The young man smiled as he remembered his father

"And I said weapons, the obvious answer"

He let out a deep breath

"And my dad laughed at me and rolled his eyes and said 'no son' and pointed at me"

Slight gasps could be heard throughout the room as the ceo began to slowly unbutton his shirt slowly revealing the arc reactor in his chest

"And the answer to his question was humanity, we are a danger to ourselves and everyone around us"

As he finished unbuttoning his shirt he looked at the group

"But I am more than just human and I'll solve the flaws we have and protect us all"

Another deep breath

"Because iron man"

the atlas night sky glowed as the shattered moon reflected off of a pair of crystal blue eyes, strings of black hair muddying the view of the scarred moon.

"Sir you are receiving a call from miss Weiss schnee"

The sound of an older gentleman came to the blue eyed man's ears

The voice received a hum in acknowledgement as he looked away from the moon and sighed

"Thank you Jarvis"

Scratching his chest he opened his scroll to see a photo of Weiss as it rang in his hand

"Are you going to answer sir?"

Jarvis asked again as the self driving car Y/n sat in drove through the streets of mistral aimlessly.

"I don't know..."

He looked at his screen, analysing his current situation as he looked at the photo of Weiss, one from when she was younger. A small innocent smile resting on her face

"She's family sir, you'll have to speak to her eventually you can't ignore them forever"

The car took a turn as it entered the motorway, speeding up and entering the fastest lane.

"I know I just..." he drifted off as the earpiece the held Jarvis slowly stopped flashing as the ringing ended

"You have one new voicemail sir"

"Play it"

He answered rather quickly for someone who was avoiding her

Her voice came through his ear, just as he remembered it as if he hadn't missed a day in her life.

"Hello Y/n I just wanted to tell you that father plans to hold a ball in your fathers memory and I was wondering if you were coming"

He rolled his eyes, another one of his uncles stunts to not look bad in his eyes

"I- I know you don't like those kinds of thing...b-but I was hoping I'd get to see, winter and mother miss you"

The message ended as with her voice breaking, a tear quickly forming in his eye

"Are you alright sir?"

"I'm fi-"

A loud boom was heard below him as his car flew through the air his body being thrown about as the car flew through the air, it's bottom half on fire as the engine started to smoke and caught fire

The man who sold the world (RWBY x make reader) Where stories live. Discover now