30 My decision

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Ziyi was eager to so now she got chance to throw Yibo out of Xiao Mansion and Zhan's life.
She pushed Yibo out of house and poor Yibo landed in someone's embrace.
His vision was blurry cause of tears but he managed to look at the face of his saviour who came at right time and saved him from falling. (Ok now clap and I know 🤭)
Zhan saw Yibo's face he snakes his hands on Yibo's waist to support him and came back inside Mansion.

Who did all this??

Zhan!! You're here...you know what he did?

Ziyi I asked who pushed Wang Yibo out of house.

I did this Zhan and I'm sure you'll do the same when you'll see his true colors...he stabbed you behind your back Zhan....

Dd go back to our room...

But Zhan I made the decision because he is the one who is culprit...

Enough Ziyi this is my house...let me remind you...Xiao Mansion...so in this house I'm the one who's decisions are valid...and my decision is that Dd go to our room...

B..but Zhan ge...

Don't worry dd...Ziyi will bring your bag so go back...

Without uttering anymore words Yibo went upstairs in room he was scared, tensed and sad at the same time.
What if Zhan ge told the police about appa...what if he don't believe me....what if....
There were many thoughts in his mind.

Zhan was well aware about every incident so he just ordered everyone in Xiao Mansion that...

I'll not repeat myself again that this my house Xiao Mansion and Yibo is my husband and only Xiao family I have so he is rightful owner of the house....
I hope Jiang's will remember this...

But Zhan son...Ziyi saw with her eyes...that Wang Yibo digged the gun...same gun...

Enough mom...remember one thing...my relationship with you is like this because of Yibo...still you are behaving like this...
And Ziyi bring the bag in my room right now...

Ziyi was trembling because Zhan's anger is enough to make her homeless and jobless so she picked the bag and went in room. Yibo who was in his own thoughts looked at from where sound came...Ziyi almost threw the bag and went out Zhan came inside but Yibo was afraid to look at him so he hurriedly went inside bathroom and stayed there for one hour.

After one hour he peeped outside and saw that Zhan was nowhere in the room he came and slid inside duvet.
Zhan was looking moon 🌙 he was in deep thoughts when sound of bathroom door diverted his attention when he came in room he saw that Yibo was covered with duvet head to toe 😂
He silently sat down on bedside.

Dd I know you are awake...

Yibo tightly grasp the sheet as he was afraid. But he managed to keep silence. 🤫
Zhan sighed and went to couch with his pillow and blanket.
After sometime Yibo peeped out his duvet and saw Zhan's back as he was back facing Yibo.
Yibo tried to sleep but sleep was nowhere in his eyes also he was hungry and thirsty.
With light steps Yibo stood up and saw the clock was showing 11 pm so he went downstairs silently of course his luck was not by his side today so there was no water in room.

Finally kitchen...

Aahh...thank God everyone is asleep.

He drank whole glass in one go and looked in refrigerator for something or snacks for eating but someone pushed fridge door and Yibo stumbled back.



Sorry for short chapter

Thanks for reading 😊

Hate in Heart ❤️‍🔥 YIZHAN Where stories live. Discover now