Chapter 1

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"Okay Gene let's try this again. Run systems diagnostic."

"Acknowledged." The women sighed, watching the A.I run checks on it's own program. She felt so close but for every chip, every small step it felt like she was getting pushed further back with less and less time than before.

"Error. Unable to run program. Is there something I can help you with?"

"No. Thanks Gene."

"Acknowledged." She slumped forward in exhaustion, idly tipping her mug to see it empty once more. Slowly she stood before shuffling over to the coffee pot that always seemed to be running and grabbed another cup in preparation of another long night.


"Gene," The slight flash of blue told her the A.I had heard her voice, "Run a complete scan on me."

"Acknowledged." From the small box she'd placed the A.I in, a light exited, running up and down her body before turning off.

"Detecting increased levels of caffeine, stress, and melatonin. Suggestion?"


"I suggest a cup of lavender tea and sleep. Do you need anything else Doctor Beck?"

"No, Thank you Gene."

"Acknowledged." The women sighed, sitting the half full cup of now cold coffee down. She needed to shower before she would even think about sleeping. Maybe that would help with her research.


"Doctor Beck?" She looked up from her notes, eyes focusing on the dimly lit cube.

"Yes Gene?" This could be a new development. Despite how much she'd been working, the idea and program she was looking for to develop a sentient and learning A.I always seemed to escape her.

"Doctor Lee has left twenty three voice messages. Shall I delete them?" Or maybe not. Miracles don't happen on their own, you have to make them.

"Yes please."

"Messages deleted. Shall I delete any further messages?" Or maybe they do.

"If you could then yes."

"Acknowledged." And that was that, the light turned completely off but it was enough for her. While the A.I was supposed to automatically receive any calls or messages left for her, it wasn't supposed to give suggestions without first getting permission. A slight flaw she'd been working on changing with almost no luck. Maybe this was her luck though, god only knew she needed it.


"Doctor beck."

"Yes Gene." After the incident with the phone Gene had been slowly changing. Not a lot of changes, the A.I still following most of the code she'd given it but it'd done small things. Her coffee had been made one morning, hot and fresh despite her having turned the machine off the night before and living alone. Gene asking if she wanted to know the weather, even though it was always dismal, or even just the time.

"Despite my attempts, Doctor Lee is insisting on meeting with you." Gene's attempts? While She didn't like Lee, going so far as to avoid the man, she never gave Gene any instructions outside of deleting his messages to dissuade the male from bothering her.

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