-thirty nine-

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"Good morning sleepy heads, rise and shine." Jihye and Jungwon were awoken by Haera, who had started drawing the curtains open. Jihye just turned towards Jungwon and snuggled in his chest.

"What the f- Okay, wake up." Haera hit Jihye's head with a pillow.

"Go away."

"Jungwon's manager is here." This made Jihye sit up immediately. Meanwhile, the soon-to-be idol was still fast asleep.


"Yeah he's in the living room. You better wake him up because I think he has a schedule he needs to get to."

"Oh... okay." Jihye let out a yawn and started shaking Jungwon.

"Bye I need to get to school. I'll see you later."

"Okay... Bye... Yah Jungwon-ah, time to wake up." Jungwon opened his eyes and shut them again.

"Hey, I saw that. Wake up."

"No." And Jihye got pulled into his arms.

"Yah, your manager is here. You have to wake up now." Jihye tried sitting up again but Jungwon was hugging her way too tightly.

"Let him wait. I need sleep and snuggles."

"You probably have a schedule."

"Yeah I do. But I want to hug you for a bit more. I won't get to see you for the whole day."

"Well, I could always follow you." This made Jungwon finally open his eyes.

"Really?" A smile formed on his face.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, Haera will be in school until 6pm today, her parents are at work and Haejoon is going to a gaming cafe. So I'll be all alone."

"Okay then, let's get up now." Jungwon finally got up, letting go of Jihye.

"Do you have clothes?"

"I have my hoodie. Heeseung hyung will bring clothes for me to change into."

"Next time you should pack a bag with clothes. You can't keep troubling Heeseung."

"But I want to trouble Heeseung hyung."

"So mean."

"Eh." Jungwon shrugged.

"Okay, I'll go wash up now. You can change and wait downstairs with your manager."

"Okay." Jungwon yawned and stretched before he grabbed his hoodie and waddled out the room.

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"Should I post a picture?" Jungwon asked, looking to Jihye who was sitting on Heeseung's usual seat in the car.

"Up to you."

"Do you want to take a picture?" Jungwon held his phone up to her. She quickly covered the camera.


"Huh why?"

"I don't like taking photos."

"You're not taking the photo, I am."

"Are you- I just don't like myself in photos."


"I'm a-"

"Don’t you dare say potato, sweetheart."


"Tsk." Jungwon lightly flicked her forehead. "You are not a potato."

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