my fellow inmates

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Well as you can see I was just about to scream but again just as I opened my mouth I got pulled inside by my inmates. They called themself speedy he was a small Mexican I imagined like speedy gonzolaz the old Looney tunes cartoon, Raiden who was German and Hungarian so he doesnt really need a introduction. Then there was Brooke probably the toughest girl there she could beat up any MAN so I didn't wanna make her mad. We all started off as friends then ms Sandburg shouted "SWIIITTTCCHH!". Immediately everybody got up and grab their things. And we switched room. There i met somebody amazing and I can't lie I had a huge crush on her. Aside from my crushing side her name was Hedisa and really didn't have to be tough because she'd say hi and immediantly I'd be like " ha ha ha hiaaa" and she'd walk off. From then on I'd try to smuggle her something as a gift like boba. There I also met Becca which I liked her as a friend but her temper was a little off I'd say something mean and she'd say something mean to me kinda playful. Even with all those beutyful strange amazing people just like me not belonging here. You must trust me there are the bad ones like our guard ms. Balance word has it she was married but she was so bad that he got a devorce. So these are the inmates my friends crushes and our let's say not slim guard.

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