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the triplets and max walk out the elevator to see everyone standing around waiting for them.

"oh my god, finally. took you guys long enough." vincent says pocketing his phone rather pissed at how late they are.

"i'm sorry. but someone couldn't find his sunglasses." chris says sending matt a look. "if we're ever late it's usually cause of him."

"fuck you. no. remember that one time we were an HOUR LATE for our aunties wedding cause you gave me directions that sent us in the wrong fucking way!" matt shoots at chris.

"yeah but that's not my fault. i was simply following the gps." chris raises his hands in defense.

"no chris, it was your fault. you put the wrong address in, that's why we were going the wrong way." nick simply points out.

"oh yeah. it was my fault." chris laughs, matt slapping him in the stomach to get him to shut up.

"whatever. let's get in the van. matt you good to drive? arts not feeling well so he's skipping out today." vincent asks.

"yeah that's fine. how come he's not feeling well?"

"just a cold. he said he was feeling fine when we were all texting but then he said he's got a temperature or something so he's staying back." audrey says.

"that sucks. i hope he feels better." max says.

"he'll be fine. he has the best immune system out of all of us." kennedy shrugs not really caring, knowing that he'll be fine.

the group make their way down to where the van is parked, seeing as art couldn't bring it up for them they had to walk all the way down which vincent was complaining about the whole time.

they hop in and start driving. once they arrive at the mall they decide to
split up seeing as certain people wanna do certain things. kennedy and audrey go off to shop for women's clothes. vincent wants to go to the arcade so nick and matt go with him. which leaves chris and max who wanna go shopping for clothes.

once everyone's split, max and chris start to shop around and look in different stores. chris takes this opportunity to try and get some juice out of max.

"so, max. tell me about yourself. what is there to know about max solomon?" a rather cliche way to start a conversation but he honestly can't be bothered to think of a sly segway into it.

"oh. well im 18. i used to live in boston which you already know. im bisexual and am an only child." max lists off some basic facts about himself finishing off with a toothless smile.

"oh cool. you said you were bi?" chris says casually trying to lead the conversation where he wants it to go.

"yeah i am. you're cool with that right?" max gets rather defensive, almost anxious for chris' response.

"oh yeah, totally. nicks gay so i've become well informed on all things lgbtq." chris smiles at him reassuringly.

"ok cool. just thought i'd check." max chuckles.

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