Fog city

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Belton has never been a very good place to live. The air is thick and polluted. It's so polluted the the sky is a foggy green colour.

The buildings stretch tall which reminds me of when the city was at its peak. Yk.. without the mass torture and stuff.

Every morning is intense because theres always the danger of an army truck stopping next to you while you walk and taking you for testing.

"Hold my hand" My mum says in a stern voice as we are about to head to the bunker which the small school program is held.

The roads are clear so we run as fast as we can to the bunker.

We barely make it as a tank drives down the street the moment we get in the bunker.

Mz Hetcher notices us climbing down the bunker ladder. The room is small and tight with 4 other students sitting at one table at the side of the room.

"You made it" Mz Hetcher cheerfully announced.

She runs over to hug my mum and I as her necklace jingles.

I notice my classmates staring at me with relief.

(We started the year with 17 kids tightly packed into this bunker and now we're down to 4.)

I take my seat next to Alda. She moved from Iceland 3 years ago to flee from the Nielsen war. She isn't completely fluent in English yet and stumbles on her words sometimes. It's really impressive that she's been able to survive this far without being able to speak to anyone properly.

Alda is like a little sister to me. Ever since my own sister died two years i've felt the need to protect her.

The english lesson goes on as usual until..

The sealed off door is violently kicked open by a man in a camoflauge military uniform. He has a mask on with an air filter which makes him look even more intimidating.

More men follow behind him with guns pointed directly at our heads.

We all put our hands up to surrender and i can hear my mom sob. I look over to see Lucas with a red dot waving over his forehead. This is it..Im at least lucky i've made it this far.


We all obey his orders. We get tied up in the back of the army vehicle with our mouths taped shut.

When the vehicle stops it shakes around violently and we get guided to a prison with thousands of cells filled with people who have lost all hope.

Barely alive, starved and exhausted faces stare back at us as we walk through the prison running chills down my spine.

Suddenly i get shoved into a small, dirty cell and locked in. 

"Mark cell 30-12 as occupied" The army man says into a walkie talkie.

"Take the girl to the women's prison you fucking idiot" The walkie talkie responds.

Im going to be separated from Alda??? I cant be..i have to stay with her.

Im going to get out of this place. It doesn't matter how and it doesn't matter how much they torture me...I have to...for Alda.

Authors note: Please comment on how you want the story to go because i would love your input. Thank you for reading!!! New chapters come out every wednesday at 6:00pm

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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