▪︎■ 32 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

"That's on them if you ask me... You look ravishing when you come," I said. Her cheeks heated up slightly while she got lost inside my eyes in a moment where she allowed her breathing to calm down.

It was everything I wanted to hear. Her moaning my name and her honest apology.

My heart fluttered when she planted a kiss on my shoulder. God damnit, I really had to keep myself together with her, with my finger inside of her.
I could only imagine how good it would feel to bury my dick inside her, in all those positions we could try. Her on top of me, riding me, sitting on my face... I would die a happy man to be suffocated by her thick thighs...

Fuck, I wanted to eat her out... I wanted to know how she tasted, what noises she made.

What's going on you fucking horn dog?
You aren't even finished, stay cool... But- her.

Are you fucking thirteen?

Didn't you listen...? HER.

You're fucked.

I wish...

She collapsed against me. I kept my finger inside her even after she finished. I wanted to feel her heartbeat.

Her breathing was rapid and I could still smell her arousal. It was addictive.

"I'm sorry for the gun and my words back then... And that I scared Erlina."

She smiled against my skin. "You're sweet, y'know?"

"Sweet?" I repeated, incredulously.

"Yeah, sweet. I like watching you with Elia. You're different with kids..."

I almost laughed through the confusion that must have been prominent on my face because it truly was absurd for me. "I'm not sweet."

"Liar," she answered back.

Silence followed. Then I thought about what had just happened.
"What are we exactly?" I asked, directly.

She rose her head and looked at me.
"I don't know. We don't have to be anything, if we don't want to."

"What do you want?" she asked, speaking again.

I took a deep breath. I didn't want to answer, to talk about my feelings, but she was more important than my inner conflict.


"I fought so long but I can't ignore it anymore... Not after feeling you come anyway. I want to continue whatever this is... I don't know what exactly it is I'm feeling but I've never experienced this before."

She distanced herself slightly, still maintaining skin to skin contact with me though, which relaxed me instantly.

"Are you sure you want to keep going? I have a daughter, Adrin. I don't want to kill the mood but I need a serious relationship. I'm past the friends with benefits shit, it doesn't quite fit into the picture, into what I want in my life. Also I'm not even sure if we could be considered friends."

I nodded, took all of it serious.
"There really is no killing the mood. I already thought about that and I want it nonetheless. I'm sure. I know you and Erlina are a duo. Of course you are."

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