Too Close to Home

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Connie silently sat on a stool by the counter, her hands resting in her lap. She was the only person in the front room of Whit's End as the ice cream shop and discovery emporium had long been empty of customers. Most of the lights in the building were turned off and the shop was almost silent as only the sounds of the freezer whirring and the low hum of ice cream machines filled the air.

Connie took a sip of the coffee she had just poured into a mug. The hot drink scalded her tongue and the roof of her mouth but she did not care. Truthfully, she was thankful for it. Right now she wanted to be distracted from the countless thoughts racing through her mind. Thoughts about what had occurred and more frighteningly — what almost certainly would have happened.

Connie heard the sound of footsteps. Her heart beat rapidly and her hands began to shake. She quickly looked to her right to see who it was and saw Jason standing at the bottom of the staircase. Get ahold of yourself, Connie, she thought. Jason had told her he was heading upstairs nearly twenty minutes ago. She knew he was here at Whit's End. She knew he had not left the building. Jason himself had said that he was leaving the shop with her. And yet she had believed — been convinced — it was someone else here in the shop with her. A thought that had filled her with fear. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

As Jason walked towards Connie he took in the sight of her seated at the store counter. The nervousness, tension, and fear running through her body were evident to him, even though he could tell she was trying her best to conceal it. He sat down on the stool next to Connie and placed his phone on the countertop.

"Dad called. He said he tried to make it back here from Chicago as soon as possible but his earlier flight was canceled due to mechanical issues so he won't arrive until late tonight."

Connie nodded. If ever there was a time she wished Whit was here it was now. Why did Whit have to attend a UPF board meeting today?

"I also spoke with Detective Polehaus," Jason began, interrupting Connie's thoughts. "Bradley Turnbaum is once again secured at Stateville Minimum. He'll be there until he goes to trial. Detective Polehaus also told me the police have finished searching your home for evidence. He thinks your earlier statement will be enough for the case but if he has any more questions he'll let you know."

"Okay, thank you," Connie responded as she nodded her head. "I called Jules and told her about what happened today. She and Jillian will be staying at a hotel in Connellsville for the night."

"That's good."

"Yeah, I'm just thankful that they were gone for the day...away from all of this." Connie sighed and looked down at the cup of coffee in front of her.

After a few moments, she looked back up again and turned toward Jason. "Thank you, Jason, for everything. For um...for saving my life."

"Of course, Connie," Jason said softly with a comforting smile. Still, Jason couldn't help but feel that she shouldn't even be thanking him for what he did. He could have done more. He should have done more. After all, he had been an intelligence agent for most of his life. It was his job to protect people and keep them safe.

"So how are you doing?" Jason asked, concern evident in his voice.

Connie shifted her weight in her seat. Right now that was the last question she wanted to answer. She knew the answer to that question but it was not one that she wanted to admit to herself, let alone to anyone else. Perhaps if she shifted the conversation to another topic he'd forget it? No, not Jason. If there was anything that mattered to him it was making sure those closest to him were okay. Even if ironically he didn't give himself anywhere near the same level of consideration.

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