chapter 1 - the date

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Tris POV
It's time to leave. I know that. It's still hard though. This place has been my home forever. I had always been taught that nothing existed outside of the fence, and it was always forbidden to go past it unless you were a high Amity freak who farmed just outside it. I'm scared, but I am even more afraid of telling anyone I'm scared especially about Four I mean Tobias.

It is about 2 am when I am shaken awake. I open my eyes to Christina, she smiles and says time to go. I quickly get dressed and pack a small backpack. I don't know how long we will be gone and there are just some memories I am not ready to leave behind.

I hear shouting and chaos as people scramble to grab whatever they hold dear in that moment before our whole lives change yet again.

As I reach under my pillow all the noises in my head just stop. I pull out my fathers Abnigation gray shirt, and think of how sad I was, when I had to stuff it in the trash at the Amity compound.

Then my mind jumps to how happy I was when Tobias surprised me a few days ago with it. Apparently he found a way to smuggle it out along with a banana peal he didn't find in his stuff for a week.

I hear a familiar deep, rough but soothing voice behind me and I shove the shirt in the backpack. Before I turn around to look at him I wipe the tears from my eyes. (I didn't even know I was crying). In that moment I try to make myself invisible from the embarrassment, but I end up turning my self red. Four just smiles and looks down into my eyes. He begins to speak and the sound of his voice makes me forget about all of the danger around me.
Four: Tris you okay?... Tris?... Tris?...TRIS!
Tris: huh oh yeah.
Four: are you sure your okay? Where did you go just then?
Tris: in your eyes. ♡ oh crap did I really just say that.
Four: haha yes you did.
Tris: so did you just come by to embarrass me or was there an actual reason?
Four: oh yeah I know that with everything going on and your parents especially and then there's your brother, you aren't really into doing anything, but we haven't actually been on a date. So...
Tris: are you asking me out by pointing out how crappy my life is right now?
Four: kinda.
Tris:where do you want to go?
Four: it's a surprise. Meet me down stairs in 1 hour.
Tris: what?!?!?!
(Four rushes out) bye!
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Tris POV
What the heck just happened?
I figure I have an hour before I am meeting Tobias so I might as well go find Christina; no doubt she has an opinion on what I should wear.
Also god forbid her ears don't get the newest gossip right off the press.
Tobias POV
Tris said yes! She actually said yes! I told her it was a surprise where I was taking her and then before she could change her mind I rushed out of
The room to set everything up.

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(Still Tobias POV)
I set everything up and then realize it is almost three AM!
Somehow I managed to mess everything up. When I planed this date in my head it was at night not before the sun came up!
Ugh I feel like such an idiot. I wonder if she will understand and let me push our date to this evening.

Tris POV
Omg omg omg Christina sequels as loud as she possibly can in the girliest voice she possibly can.
She absolutely insists on picking out my clothes and doing my hair. (Shocker)
We make our way back to my bunk where I show her the dress I bought right before all hell broke loose. It is a maroon skater dress that ends right before the knee. It has 3\4 sleeves and is cutout right under the chest all the way around an filled in with black lace. It is also a sweetheart neck line.
Chris just about has full on melt down when she sees that I c
Actually do have some fashion knowledge
She also insists that I wear it on my date
She finds some black leggings for me too wear and some super cute black flats that have little whiskers and eyes on them. (They look like mice)
She curls my hair and puts a little black bow that has gold studs on it on the side of my head keeping my bangs out of my face.
Next come the part I truly dread...
The make up
When Chris is all finished I have a light smoky eye and some very deep mascara
With a light pink pearly lip gloss.
I look at the clock next to my bunk and it says 2:55am
I use this as the perfect excuse to get Chris to stop poking and pricing at my face
" Chris stop" I say " I am supposed to be down stairs ready to go in five minutes"
At that she drops the brush grabs my left hand and yanks me to the stairwell
We are on the fortieth floor so why Chris thought the stairs were a good idea i don't know.

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She drags me all the way down stairs and when we get there I swear my left arm is now longer than my right.

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