Fractured Love

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The traffic was awful at that hour of the morning. Clara Parker glanced at her watch. It was 8:40. If she didn't hurry, she'd be late for the board meeting. The long-awaited promotion was so close she could almost caress it.

The blue car in front of him slowed down.

-Oh, come on! - Clara complained. She tapped the steering wheel, which narrowly missed sending the neat red manicure on one of her fingernails flying into the air.

The blue vehicle sped forward and the traffic lights changed from green to amber, and finally to red.

-You've got to be kidding me! - Clara lamented. She looked at her watch again. It wasn't far to the office, but she doubted she'd be able to climb the stairs in her high heels if luck didn't smile on her and one of the lifts next to reception wasn't ready for her to ride. As she waited, she turned the rear-view mirror inside the car to check that her make-up, the blue shadow over her green eyes and the red lipstick were still in perfect condition.

After an interminable pause, the traffic light showed the green light and Clara put her foot down on the accelerator. She glanced at the on-board computer, which read 8:49. She couldn't help smiling when she saw the office just a few metres from her position. In addition, the goddess of fortune also allowed her to see a couple of free parking spaces by the front door.

What Clara couldn't see was the white van that had jumped the traffic lights at the crossroads.

-Caucasian woman in her 30s! - she could hear someone say.

Her eyes didn't want to open, an abysmal pain in the right side of her body prevented her from moving and her head felt like it was about to explode. However, she noticed that she was being moved from one place to another.

-Car accident, multiple trauma and broken bones on the right side of the body! - somebody shouted behind her.


The speed at which her body was being moved increased, or so Clara wanted to believe. This time, the movement was less jerky and seemed to be going smoothly.

-Possible internal bleeding! We need an operating room and a surgeon! Now! - a third person was heard around them.

-Quickly, to number three! - Clara no longer knew who was speaking. A ringing in her ear prevented her from listening any longer. She only felt that she was being driven from one side to the other, turning every now and then amidst shouts, calls for help and various orders.

After a few minutes, the stretcher on which her body was being carried stopped. She could feel herself being lifted and the bones of her body dancing inside her, causing more intense pain than she had ever suffered before.

When she managed to open her eyes slightly, a light pointed into them and blinded her. Somebody must have put something in her mouth and, seconds later, she lost consciousness.

"Where am I? Have I died?" Clara thought as she woke up. She couldn't open her eyes no matter how hard she tried. She tried to find herself. She was lying on a bed. She could barely feel any of her limbs. A soothing lethargy mingled with the anxiety of not being in control of her own body. She tried to speak, but a grunt was the most that managed to escape her lips.

-Martha, she's waking up! - she heard a deep voice very familiar to the young woman.

-Dad...? - Clara tried to ask.

-Oh, my God. I thought we'd lost you, darling. - said another voice with a plaintive tone next to the previous one. Clara could notice that somebody was brushing her hair and kissing her forehead.

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