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"You okay?"

A familiar voice snapped the puppet out of his thoughts, his head peeking out of the covers as you came to his view and set down the cup of water on the table next to him, along with some painkillers.

He let out a loud sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't-"

"-'I don't need painkillers, puppets don't feel pain.'" You reply, purposely syncing with him with a smile on your face as you helped him get up from the bed, practically forcing him to take the pill.

"You don't need to worry, I already have it memorized." The other male rolled his eyes at that, drinking the water you handed to him.

"So you're doing it on purpose to annoy me now, is that it?" He says, eyes flickering to that shit-eating grin on your face that he oh-so badly wanted to wipe off your face.

"Maybe, but you're cute when you're annoyed, so can you blame me?"

His face instantly flushed at that remark. "You must have some sort of death wish."

You laughed at that, and as usual- shrugged off his threats.

If only you knew.

"It's been almost twenty minutes since our intercourse and you still haven't gotten up, that never happened before and actually- this is the first. Did you really not expect me to worry for you?"

He frowned. "For the last damn time, puppets don't feel pain. Not feeling pain and having pain tolerance don't mean the same thing, were you dropped on your head as kid or something?"

"Anyway, I'm glad to be of service. There's breakfast on the table if you're hungry." You then picked up his hand and brought it to your lips, planting a gentle kiss on the back of it before smiling once again at him. "Feel free to visit me again if you ever need some sort of...relief."

He watched as you got up from the bed and made your way out of your room, presumably to continue whatever you were doing outside, leaving him alone to his thoughts again as he curled up to a ball on the bed.

How the hell did you know his backside was still hurting? It's not like you were well informed about puppets or something...

Unless maybe, just maybe...

No, he was overthinking this. He knew just how kind you were, so you were definitely the type to insist on helping someone even if they've told you not to multiple times. He shouldn't be interpreting it as you remembering him.

But he couldn't help but think...

With the way you handled his body earlier, how you made him feel wanted and so full of love like you used to...

"Fuck." He lightly hit himself on the head. He shouldn't be thinking this, the current you was way different than the one he knew, maybe you've had multiple relationships before thus had multiple intercourses, it'd make sense how you seemed to know his body with the level of experience you have now compared to before.

He shouldn't even be showing this side of him to you.

"Ah, you're still here."

There he sat, on the bench outside of your house as he watched you open the gates to your house and make your way beside him, setting down the heavy backpack you carried.

Puppetmen | Genshin Impact/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now