Ronin's Hunted POV

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This story takes place during the events of Hunted. It’s meant to show you what wasn’t shown on screen. Enjoy!
(Ronin POV)

It’s been a week since Emperor Garmadon had taken over Ninjago City, and the SOG member known as Ultra Violet started hosting a game show in which people are rewarded for ratting out allies of the ninja. The city was slowly descending into ruin, with most of the citizens hiding away in fear of their lives. The SOG littered the streets, and honestly, there wasn’t anyway you could hide for long. Even if you did manage to have had found a good hiding place, chances were, you’d be found out if you left it to find something to eat or drink. And if you dared to stand up to any SOG member, you’d get a hard beating. I was nearly caught the first day of Garmadon’s reign, but was luckily able to slip away just in time. I’ve been hiding out in an abandoned clothing store, and right now I’m REALLY starting to wish it was a restaurant. I flinched as my stomach growled painfully for the thousandth time in the past week. *GROAN*

“I can’t take this anymore! I’m sick of hiding away like a coward!”

I’m gonna starve to death if I don’t get out there…

Grabbing my dagger, I leave the safety of my hideout and sneak around the shadows of the city. My goal is to get to Chen’s Noodle House a few blocks away. I’ve met the owner, Skylor, before. She was unusually nice to me. Much nicer than her father who had threatened my own family’s life if I didn’t retrieve Zane. She’d been nice enough to give me free food when I was desperate before, so she could probably do it again. As I snuck through the shadows, my stomach growled louder and louder.

Oh, would you just shut up already?!

I quickly turned out of the alleyway with my target in sight, but my heart sank when I realized I’d walked right in front of Ultra Violet. A lady stood next to her and her goons holding a phone. She looked at me with pain in her eyes as she mouthed “I’m sorry.” I’d been ratted out for cash on a twisted game show.

I have to act fast if I want to make it out of this one…

Quickly, I punched the camera man in the face and kicked him away once he hit the ground. I ran around the corner of the building only to realize that alley was a dead end. The second I was about to turn, a motorcycle rams into me from the back and sends me flying into the trash bags piled up next to the dumpster. I bit my tongue as I desperately tried to restrain myself from cursing as loud as I could. Despite the pain, I got back up and started trying to fight off the 5 SOG members that were now ambushing me. Unfortunately, I was far from full strength and was tackled to the ground the instant I tried making a break for it. I cried out as my body crashed against the cold sidewalk. My vision began to blur slightly as two bikers handcrafted me and dragged me off to their stolen police car. I tried to punch and kick them in a final attempt to escape, but one of them had stolen a police baton and wacked me in the head with it.


A massive shockwave of pain burst from the spot of impact, and a loud ringing became all I could hear. My vision blurred completely as I was thrown in the back seat. Eventually it faded to black.

I woke up yelling out in pain. A blurry figure was holding my head still while holding a piece of cloth to where it hurt the most. They seemed to jump at my sudden awakening.

“Shhhhh… It’s gonna be alright Ronin. You’re going to be alright.” Their voice said in a quiet, motherly tone.

I blinked a few times until my vision clears up. It was Misako. Lloyd’s mother. She sat on the floor looking down at me. I was lying on the floor of a concrete room. An all too familiar room… a prison cell.

“W- What happened?”

“I’m not entirely sure. You were already unconscious when they threw you in here. But your head was bleeding quite a bit, so I suppose I just had the instinct to help. The bleeding seems to have stopped, so there’s that.”

I looked at what she had been using to help my wound. It was her scarf.

“You- You helped me?”

“Of course I helped you! You were hurt. It would’ve been cruel to not help.”

Huh. I suppose that’s a fair enough answer.

I sat up holding my head as I turned to the prison bars. From what I saw, we were in Kryptarium prison and the cells were full of innocent people that either stood up for themselves or knew the ninja in one way or another. Either way, almost nobody deserved to be there. Misako put her gentle hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

“All hope isn’t lost. Lloyd and his friends are still out there… we’ll get out soon enough, I promise.”

I looked down at my hand that was now covered in blood from holding my wound.  “I hope so….”

Hours passed, and I had fallen asleep. Not that I was having any good dreams, but when I was awoken I was rather annoyed. I kept my back to the door until I heard the sound of the cell door. An SOG member slid a plate with 2 loaves of Italian bread and two water bottles into the room. I stared at it for a moment before rushing over and immediately started tearing into the food. Of course, only my loaf. I left Misako hers. I’m not a monster. The mother in question was asleep, so I tried my best not to wake her up. I placed her plate next to her and went back to sleep.

A few days past of nothing.

Just being trapped behind bars. Bored. Misako and I had nothing better to do but talk, so we would periodically ask each other questions. I know a whole lot more about her now. For better or worse. She’s very sweet and kind, one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Not a lot of people are exactly nice to me for obvious reasons, so you can imagine how weird it is when someone is. Unfortunately, due to space reasons, I was moved away from her and into a cell with two elemental masters. I didn’t really take the time to get to know them very well, but they didn’t seem half bad. Could’ve been stuck with worse, honestly.

I’m sitting on the back bench now, whistling a favorite tune of mine. Then a noise coming from downstairs grabs my attention.

“The ninja! They’re back! The boss says we need all hands on deck!” a minion calls out.

I crack a small smirk as walk to the bars. “Well I’ll be…”

My prison mates tell me that the ninja need help. Even though I’m pretty sure they don’t, I suppose I want out anyway, so I help pound the bars.
The man next to me pounds his fists together and turns into some metal hulk. I should really be more weirded out, but I've seen so many wrong things, my emotions don't work the way they should anymore.

1… 2… 3.. “The resistance never quits!”

Alright, so yeah. Just a short little thing I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Honestly it’s just an excuse to write Hunted angst. Lol.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed whatever this was. :D

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