32.New Trouble

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Everyone was worried for Zhan when Ziyi was blaming Yibo who was crying 😢
Suddenly Zhan grabbed Ziyi's hand and pushed her aside.

Dd...come here...and why are you crying it was just a prank and look at you dd you are crying like I'm dead...

Zhan ge....y..you..you...

Yeah yeah I fine...

Zhan twirl around to show that he was totally fine and was doing a prank. He rubbed Yibo's back who was still sniffing.
Mrs.Jiang was shocked by Zhan's behaviour but didn't say anything because she was well aware of Zhan's anger.
Suddenly a loud thud sound attract everyone's attention. Actually Zhan broke a glass which was offered by Ziyi to him.

Ziyi this is my last warning to you...if you tried to meddle in my matters...then...I'll show you the worst side of Xiao Zhan.
And today I have a request to every Jiang...spelling of request..O..R..D..E..R..this is my order that if anyone tried to harm my husband...you better prepare to leave Xiao Mansion...
Dd let's go to our room...aunt Shin send our breakfast in our room....

Zhan left from there Yibo silently followed Zhan.

G..ge...are you...

Fine? Oh dd It was just a prank..by any chance were you worried...😈


Yibo was unable to answer Zhan's question of course he was worried Zhan started to walk toward Yibo.
With every step of Zhan, Yibo was walking backwards his words got stuck in his throat 😳 only heartbeats sound can be heard.
Zhan suddenly into laughter.

Dd...look at your face...

Zhan was laughing and Yibo well

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Zhan was laughing and Yibo well...he was astonished by view.
This was the first time Yibo saw Zhan laughing like this...he was feeling happy there was a feeling in his heart creeping day by day.

They were in their world when Yibo's mobile rang...

Hello!! Omma

Hello bobo..bobo your appa...

Omma ..what happened why are you crying....please tell me...

Bobo...your appa ...he is in jail...

What...but...wait omma...I'm coming...ok ...please take care and don't worry...

Yibo disconnected the call. When Zhan noticed Yibo's worried face he asked...

What's wrong dd...is everything alright...

Zhan ge...appa...omma told that...appa is in jail...



Zhan knew that what Yibo told him but Yibo was shocked he was trembling. In his heart his fear overtook his worst nightmare of loosing someone but Zhan lightly held his hand in calming manner...

Don't worry dd everything will be alright...

Ge...I wanna go there...at my home...

Ok..let me make a call after that we will go...

Assuring to Yibo that he will take him to his house Zhan called to Yubin...


Hello Yubin I want to know who arrested Mr.Wang...

I have no idea but I'll inform you asap...

Let's go dd...

Both left for Yibo's house where his mom and sister was worried for Mr.Wang. Yibo reached there with Zhan..



Mrs.wang please calm down and tell me why they took Mr Wang...

A officer came with warrant and said that Mr. Wang is guily for attacking you with his gun...

Ok Let's go to police station...

Yibo was in daze he was thinking that he found Mr.Wang's gun and all flashbacks...

They reached at police station Yibo and his mother was crying Yanli was also crying but she decided to be strong in that situation and tried to calm down to her mom and brother.
Zhan went to officer who arrested Mr Wang. Yubin was also there he told Zhan that Officer got some proof.

Hello Mr Xiao...how come you are here...actually its good because I did my work...the person who tried to kill you is now in our custody...

Actually officer...I'm here to take back my case...

But I don't think it's possible Mr.Xiao

Officer it's my humble request....I want to close this case...

But sorry to disappoint you Mr. Xiao but now this case procedure isn't something you can stop...

Zhan was trying to suppress his anger but police officer was being rude.


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