Good bye Gai..

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I will make this my own ending :))
And where popo never turned to a baby and Pala actually used the right artifact by accident.


"We actually beated it!" Lui said

"Yeah, now that's finally over we should party" Lonky said smiling but something caught everyone's eye,the detective from before ran to the scene and said "You are under arrest again for destroying the place!"

"WHAT??" Everyone said together

"But we saved place! Not destroy it!!" Popo said angrily.

"That's what criminal say." Detective said. Popo did a face like this

 Popo did a face like this

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'I think it's time..' Gai thought..

"Hey Gai?" Miyo said but Gai didn't respond.

'It's probably best if I just left right now..'
Gay thought again.

"GAI!!" Miyo shouted. Gai snap out of his thoughts.

"huh what happened?" Gai said confused

"You spaced out, you okay?.." Miyo said concern.

"O-oh yeah I-I'm fine just thinking about something..." Gai stuttered as he said. Miyo began to feel more worried. Miyo looked back at the front to see Popo still trying to say we are innocent.

' It's time now Gai. Now' Gai thought before he began to speak. "Yes!, he is actually right." Everyone turned their head to Gai.

"Gai?.. What are you doing" Miyo whispered.

"Trust me Miyo..and..I'm sorry" Gai whispered to Miyo. Miyo was confused why Gai had said I'm sorry.

"I am the one you want! Not them." Gai said before he teleported on a big rock.

"Gai.." Miyo said.

"Is that so what did you do and why are you saying they are innocent?" Detective said.

"Because.." Gai began saying when he teleported again "... I'm the one who stole all the food and stored it it here!" Gai said smiling. Everyone was shocked. The Detective removed everyone's handcuffs.

"GET DOWN HERE CRIMINAL!!" Detective said.

Before Gai jumped off with his brother's he looked back at Miyo and mouthed 'I'm sorry' He smiled and left with the Detective chasing him and his brothers but got away.

"Gai.." Miyo said she had to hold back her tears she can't act soft infront of people as she holds onto a piece of food.

"He just saved us and left." Pala said

>Flashback Ended~<

Miyo Pov:

I still remembered that. It's not long ago... and i still miss him so much.. He was always being flirty and sweet. To be honest...i really liked him no.. Loved him. From the time he saved me.. He really cared about me and i was just distanced and cold to him. I loved him secretly just cause I'm afraid everyone would be weirded out. Oh Gai where could you be now..?

>Gai Pov<

As i opened the door i saw my little brother's

"Hey guys" I said as all my little brother looked at me and said their Hello's.

"Hey Gai" One of my brother's said as i hummed in response. "There was a letter in the mailbox outside and i think it's for you" as my brother passed the letter to me.

"What is this?.." I said before i start reading the letter.

Dear Gai,

You need to go back to the Running Man Championship. We don't have the best Mong besides you, you won't be named gai but named Ninja K/Kei. You don't have to worry about your little brother's. We will take care of them. Get ready tomorrow.

Thank you,



"What?!" I said out loud but not that loud.

"They also gave you a Helmet and a hoodie Gai." My brother said

"So I really have no choice?.." i said.

"I guess so brother.." My brother said.

-The following day-

As my alarm rang i woke up early for the train. As i got ready and made my brothers breakfast and some extras if they ever got hungry and left a note reading

-I have already left you guy food in the refrigerator please take care :))

And i put on my helmet before i left the house and waited for the train as i got on the train and waited to arrive at my destination.

'Never thought i would come back to see you guys again.'


700 words Done!!


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