67. Negotiations

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Sunlight softly crashed through my eyelids, taking me from my dreams and forcing me into the day. Though I felt well-rested - even better than back in Apicya - I still stifled a yawn as my arm stretched outwards, extending my entire body, up until my little toes.

And as they stretched, they had all the room in the bed to do so. My eyes flickered open, only to stare at an empty mountain of pillows. I patted the mattress, but when my hand met with the cold linen, my earlier yawn turned into a sigh.

While I was grateful Jerr had let me sleep to get some much-needed rest, my morning would have started better with two.

Then again, if Jerr had still been here, we probably wouldn't have gotten out of bed.

I threw the blankets off of me, letting my warmth vanish into nothingness, too.

But when I walked into the hallway to get some clothes from my room, I wasn't met with the liveliness I had expected for a morning. I passed three wolves on my way to my room, but I normally would have seen that amount of my fellow pack members in my small hallway alone.

It wasn't until I reached the dining room for breakfast - to find it mostly empty - that my eyes fluttered toward the windows.

Fuck, I thought to myself as I looked at the Sun, which already stood quite high in the sky. I had slept through breakfast with Lotta.

I hasted toward her room, but after three feeble knocks, I cut my losses. I made my way back to the dining room, my shoulders slumping, but my stomach grumbling in empty agony.

And without Lotta's company, the oats tasted even blander than usual.

As soon as I had fueled my body, I practically sprinted outside, hoping to find Lotta

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As soon as I had fueled my body, I practically sprinted outside, hoping to find Lotta. I hoped she wasn't angry with me - but my heart felt jittery and my hands were sweaty when I tried looking for her.

The pack was still very much alive. Antsy people crowded the streets and the Manor's gardens. It seemed there were more than yesterday, but if Beckett was rallying forces, Aven was, too. I figured more pack members from all over the lands would join us here in Rahas.

Would the humans fight, too? They knew about our secret, but would that be enough to prepare them for the foes they would meet on the battlefield?

Would the people in Fire Moon fight-

Oh, by the Moons. I couldn't finish my thought when my heart suddenly fell in my chest.

Benjamin was still in Spitta. I assumed that was where Aven's army would be going, since Beckett had settled his central pack life there, and Aven would want to go directly after Beckett.

And Aven was going to wipe them all out - he had clarified his stance. He wanted none of Fire Moon spared.

Humans would perish in this war, too. Defenseless humans, Benjamin.

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