Chapter one

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Sapnap doesn't know exactly how he got here. The blinding flashing lights and the stench of alcohol in the many college-age people's breaths surrounding him didn't help much either.

The last thing that he can recall is driving over to punz house earlier and chilling for a bit before punz had the grand idea to go to one of his friend's parties.

That's why he's here now, dancing in the middle of a crowded room with music blaring in his ears and beer being spilled on his gray shirt. A red cup is held in his right hand, practically empty.

He had maybe too many drinks in the past two hours, and he most definitely would regret it later when his head is hung over a toilet as he throws up his stomach.

His vision is blurry, but he can faintly make out the blonde locks and baby blue eyes that belong to his friend that's jumping up and down a few steps away from him in the crowd.

Sapnap tries his best to push through the people in his way, tripping over his own feet and struggling to keep his eyes open.

He eventually makes it to his destination, gripping the blonde's white t-shirt and giving it a few tugs.

Punz turns around to meet the brunette's gaze, his lips turn into a cheeky smirk, and brings his hands to grip Sapnaps waist.

"You having fun, Sap?"

Sapnap smiles back at him, trying to hide the way he wants to cringe as punz drunk breath flows to his nostrils and struggles to hide the pink that tints his cheeks.

The two seem to fall into a trance, dancing together and sliding their bodies closer together for protection against others around them, punz hands still tightly locked to Sapnaps waist.

A wave of exhaustion begins to attack Sapnap, the blasting music, and colorful lights becoming too much to handle at that moment.

His face comes to Punz's shoulder to rest, digging his nose into the blonde's neck and breathing in the faint cologne.

One of the punz hands travel up to his back, giving a few rubs of reassurance that he was there. He wasn't planning on leaving.

It felt weirdly intimate as they gripped each other, practically feeling up each other's bodies. Though, Sapnap was way too fucking drunk right now to know what he was even doing or the consequences that might come later from this little moment.

Punz and him definitely weren't on the same affection scale as he and Karl were. But he guesses anyone who's around Karl understands the amount of touching that comes with being friends with him. But he and punz have never been or done anything like this before.

It felt so right.

"You want to go back to my place, baby?"

SapNap gushes at the pet name, pushing his face more into punz neck, and hums.

"Yes, please."

Punz nods, letting go of the other's waist and grabbing Sapnaps hand tightly as he drags them through the crowd and out the door.


The Uber ride home was mostly silent, the constant ticking noise of a turning signal or the engine rumbling the only noise to make it through.

Once the two manage to tumble themselves to the front porch, Punz struggles to unlock the door and then lets both of them in.

"I feel like fucking shit," Sapnap grumbles, throwing his phone down on the coffee table and flopping onto the couch.

"This headache is killing me."

Punz watches Sapnap's movements with dark eyes that scan his body up and down. "You want Advil?" The blonde asks, already walking to the kitchen to open the cabinet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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