Chapter One: Tired

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(Nobody's POV)

Adelia sighed as she opened the door to her apartment. Lately her boss has been challenging her patients. She just wanted to get to her couch and flop down and take a nap. She took her shoes off as she stepped into the small room and put her keys on the shelf by the door. As she paused to grab her phone she heard rummaging in the kitchen.

"Huh?" she said to herself. "What the hell was that?" She started to walk into the kitchen until she was stopped by a chirpy black haired girl.

"Oh! Welcome back, Adelia!" Anette said happily. "I've made dinner so if you wash your hands we can eat right know and then maybe we could go see a movie or something."

"What are you doing here, Anette? aren't you supposed to be at work still?"

"My boss let me go home early, he's super nice right?" Anette said walking back into the kitchen. Adelia sighed and followed.

"Yeah, hes real sweet," Adelia yawned.

"You seem tired, Adelia," Anette said walking back to Adelia.

"Nah, I'll be fine," She said sweetly.

"Are you sure? we don't have to do anything," Anette said worried.

"Trust me Anette, I'm fine."

"Alright then," Anette said happily. "So do you want to see a movie? Or would you just like to stay home?"

"We can go see a movie, I've heard from Marilyn the new movie that came out is really good."

"Alright, we'll go after we eat dinner, so go wash your hands."

Anette and Aledia walked into the movies and sat down only to find one hour and a half later that Aledia really needed a nap. Aledia fell asleep midway through the movie and Anette couldn't wake her up, so she called Gary for help.

"So whats up with her?" Gary asked Anette.

"She fell asleep and I can't wake her up," Anette said back. "You know how she sleeps,"

"Yeah i do, So why'd you call me?" Gary said, sassy-ly.

"I just thought you'd know some secret method to wake her up."

"I mean i do."

"So use it."

"I don't want to do that."

"Why not?!" Anette complained.

"Because she'd be so pissed with me," Gary said contemplating.

"How did you wake her up?" Anette asked.

"I'd tell her you were here to visit," Gary snickered. Anette blushed and turned away. "Don't worry, I wont embarrass you like that. If you want, I can just carry you to your car. I'm sure she'd wake up when you got home."

"That'd be nice," Anette said, sweetly.

(Anette's POV)

Adelia has always been like this. She works her hardest to keep us in a house and overworks herself to the brim, yet tries to save some of her energy for me. Its honestly concerning. I can never tell if shes lying or not so I don't know when to tell her to stop. I want to help her out the most I can, but I don't know how to do that. As Adelia sleeps right next to me as I drive us home, it makes me wonder if she'd happy with me or not, but then I think of the moments when she wakes up for work and kisses me on the forehead when she thinks I'm still asleep. I feel my cheeks getting warmer as I pull into out driveway.

"Adelia," I saw, tiredly. "Please wake up, it's time to go inside." I see Adelia's peaking open as she yawned and sat up.

"Huh?" She asked. I chuckled a little bit.

"We have to go inside so we can actually go to bed," I said, softly. Adelia rubbed her eyes and opened the door.

"Alright then," She said getting out, I followed behind her to the front door. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight, you can have the bed."

"But you slept on the couch last night," I argued. "It's my turn with the couch, you deserve the bed."

"Come on Anette, only the best for you," She said. My cheeks got warmer. She always knows what to say.

"Fine, but you're sleeping on the bed tomorrow!" I said.

"Okay," she said yawning. She kissed me on the cheek and then went into the living room and left me by myself by the door, blushing harder and harder. "Goodnight Anette," She yelled as she turned off the living room lights.

"Goodnight," I whispered, to myself.

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