This isn't your fault (Kate Wilder x GN Reader)

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You, Jamie, Erin, and Kate were running away from the killer, scared for your lives. Why the fuck did Charlie think that it would be a good idea to accept an offer from a complete stranger without doing any research first? He could’ve asked one of you to look Du’Met up while he spoke with the man on the phone, but why would he ask that?

Kate ran into a white room, that while looking at it would remind anyone of a mental asylum, minus the fact that there is no singular bed or soft walls. She heard the sound of doors closing and ran straight toward the doors, but was too late. While running you looked around not seeing the redhead anywhere, growing anxious about your friend. The two of you knew each other back as children, and stayed close ever since; you were practically like siblings to each other.

“Kate?!” You screamed separating yourself from Jamie and Erin, who were too busy trying to stay alive. You suddenly saw Kate in the white room, and without any thinking ran inside straight away, glad to see your friend alive; but just like her, you also got locked in the room, but on the other side. The only thing that was separating both of you was the glass wall, which started slowly moving towards you. You tried breaking the door somehow, but to no avail. Kate tried breaking the glass, also to no avail.

“Is there anything on your side? Like a button or something?!” Screamed Kate, breathing heavier due to her trying to break the glass. There was indeed a button, with some sort of reversed sign on it. You informed Wilder about it, coming to the conclusion that if you were to press the button the wall would go in Kate’s direction.

The problem was, none of you wanted to die; because this is what this psychopath wants.

“He wants us to choose who dies!” Redhead stumbled while yelling in your direction. “Just push the button, please! This will not be on you, I promise!” You didn’t want to push the button. Sure, both of you were too young to die, but if you had to choose between saving yourself or Kate; of course, you will choose her. Wilder continued screaming to just push that goddamn button, but you just couldn’t. There is no way you will do that. You stared at your friend with tears slowly streaming down your face, backing your hand from that fucking button.

“I’m not doing it, Kate!” You screamed, which made the presenter shake her head in disbelief, grabbing it with fear spreading all over her. She lost one friend already a few years ago, she couldn’t afford to lose you now as well. She begged and begged for you to change your mind, but you were stubborn and stuck with what you said.

Meanwhile, Erin and Jamie managed to run away from the killer, stopping to take deep breaths. They lost Du’Met some time ago in one of the hallways, which they truly were thankful for. Erin turned to check on you and Kate, just to find the both of you not here.

“Jamie… We have a huge problem” Said the sound technician, looking at her crush. Jamie questioned her what she means by that, but when she also saw you and Wilder not present with them, Jamie and Erin grew anxious and straight away went to look for the both of you. The lighting technician swore under her breath, that when she finds you, she will dismember you to pieces for not sticking together.

During this time, the wall was scarily getting closer and closer to you, making you back up to the room with very limited space. You knew that your time is about to end, so you looked at Kate one last time, full-on crying and sniffing; which Kate also did. She was so dumb to get herself and you into this sick and disgusting trap, without giving you any weapon just in case (as she gave the screwdriver to Jamie ‘just in case’). Wilder heard Jamie and Erin from the other side of the locked door, trying to get them open somehow without any success.

“Promise me that you won’t regret this moment Kate, this isn’t your fault, I would rather die so that you can still live. Don’t blame yourself for anything anymore…” You said sniffling, causing Kate to break down crying, seeing as the wall started pressing on you already. Seconds later, the sound of breaking bones echoed throughout the whole room, starting first with your ribs, then moving onto your skull and the rest of your body. Kate could not leave you alone to die, not after you sacrificed yourself for her. She witnessed your body getting squashed with ease; like a bug. She just choked on her tears, your blood spilling onto the floor and her side of the room.

The doors finally unlocked, and the other two girls didn’t waste a second running to Kate asking what happened. The redhead only pointed to the bloody glass wall, not even being able to look in that direction. Erin upon seeing how the wall looked like covered her mouth, not believing that you were gone. Jamie helped Kate get out of the room so that she would not need to look at that gruesome imagery anymore. Erin followed shortly after, whispering an ‘I’m so sorry…’ while looking at your smushed corpse, closing the door shut.

Kate was… just destroyed. She pressed her back to the wall of the hallway, and just slid onto the floor mopping quietly. She begged you, yet you still decided to give your life away for her. Your last words replayed in her head over and over; thinking how could she not blame herself for your death? Wilder was now a reason why she lost two of her friends. Jamie tried to get Kate to move forward but understood that she just needs a second to get herself together even just a little bit.

“Kate, we really need to get going… When we’ll get out of here, we can give them the funeral they deserve…” Erin kneeled in front of Kate, who was still crying over your death. She looked at the sound technician, breathing heavily and with reddish eyes. Erin instructed Kate with breathing exercises (that she herself does when having an asthma attack), with Jamie looking out if something is approaching them. After around three exercises, Kate’s breathing got steady enough for her to run. With the help of Erin and Jamie, Wilder got up and looked one last time at the door to that godforsaken room. Kate sniffled a few times and wiped her tears away, leaving her with a red nose, a small headache, and red eyes because of how intensively she cried.

“Let’s get out of here, for them and their sacrifice” Said the redhead in a determined tone, while looking at her companions. Jamie and Erin nodded to each other, starting to move away from the door with Kate following them. She glanced one last time towards the doors and felt tears escaping her eyes once again. Little did you know that your death didn’t go in vain, as Kate and the others in the end managed to get out of this hotel, giving you a proper memorial service that you wholeheartedly deserved.

You were Kate’s childhood friend, but besides that, you were a hero in her eyes. She made sure to visit your grave as often as she could to tell you about all the productions she's working on with others etc. Wilder couldn't lie, she really missed you; going shopping together, having fun while filming, and just overall having you here with her, watching how Lonnit Entertainment grows day by day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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