29. not too compatible

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pretend that we are more than
friends, then of course i'll let you
break my heart again.

"and then kiwoo just wouldn't stop complaining about how my mom ate all of his rocky road but she kept going on and on—" kyorin was busy retelling a story about her little brother but paused herself from talking when she figured jay wasn't listening

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"and then kiwoo just wouldn't stop complaining about how my mom ate all of his rocky road but she kept going on and on—" kyorin was busy retelling a story about her little brother but paused herself from talking when she figured jay wasn't listening. matter of fact, he was on his phone on the lowest brightness setting.

the two sat in the middle of the food court after jay purchased their clothes along with their shoes. kyorin paid for their food which consisted of a shared dish of tteokbeokki and kimbap. she waved her chopsticks in front of his face, "jay, were you even listening to a word i said?"

jay looked up at her mid chew, "yeah, sorry. i was just checking something,"

"are you okay? you're usually so attentive," kyorin raised an eyebrow.

"yeah? why wouldn't i be?" jay bluntly asked. he goes back to picking up a piece of the rice cake without sparing a glance. kyorin's puzzled face only grew as she had no clue as to what happened. she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, taking a sip of her drink.

she couldn't read jay's expression, just that she knew that he seemed to be in a bad mood now. she thought about what could've happened. all she remembered was changing and he seemed fine when he was in the dressing room with her. she reached out and touched his forearm that leaned against the table, "you seem off. did i do something wrong?"

jay looked up at her and then at her hand that comfortably laid on his arm. he watched the slow glow of their string appear before sighing, "it's nothing, angel. i'm just tired. i mean, we did go to at least eight stores today,"

kyorin had doubts. he knew when he was tired and this certainly wasn't it, but she didn't want to pry. she rubbed her thumb against his arm while pursing her lips, "i don't want to pry so i won't. however, if it is something that has to do with me, i'm sorry for whatever it is."

the apology threw jay off guard but he could only give her a faint smile, "it's okay, angel. no need to apologize."


the brunette walked away from the bus stop as she pulled her crossbody bag over her shoulder. pulling her phone out, she pulled out her phone to see if jaemin had texted her back. a small look of disappointment was evident on her face as she saw none from the boy. she looked up and found signs signaling which direction to go for the festival. kyorin shoved the phone into her bag, proceeding to follow the arrows leading her to the festival.

she paused in front of the window to a nearby store to check her reflection. kyorin wore a white knit sweater with straight black jeans and her converse platforms as it was starting to get colder. she fixed her hair in her reflection before continued walk.

no strings attached.  jay enhypenWhere stories live. Discover now