You Belong to me.

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I sat outside of the local pizza waiting for Tracy to show up, she was supposed to be here hours ago...I'm getting worried. I tried calling her phone but it kept going to voicemail.

Maybe she got tired of hanging out with me...

"You know she ain't coming right?"

I didn't even bother turning around when I hear Donovan's voice. I could hear him walking closer to me and he sat down across from me.

"I mean who would blame her tho, it's you of all people. The fact you really think someone could actually like you, wanna be friends with you. Ha your fucking stupid" he laughs at me.

Trying not to cry I looked at him.

"T-that's n-not true" I stammered.

He grinned more and lean closer staring at me.

"Oh sweetheart but it is, you see no one will see you the way I do. No one will like you the way I do, and most importantly nobody other than your mother and me will care about you." He tells me.

That can't be true...maybe he's right, I'm nothing.

"Now repeat after me." He smirked.

I swallowed a little looking down.

"I am a stupid worthless girl who nobody loves." He says sitting back.

I didn't say anything and that seem to make him mad.

"Say it!" He yelled at me causing me to jump in fear.

"I-I am a s-stupid worthless...girl w-who nobody..loves." I repeat through soft sobs.

"Remember Anais you belong to me."

He smiled at me and got up, hr grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the table. He walked me towards his motorcycle.

"Now you be a good girl and hold on to me until we get to my apartment." He tells me.

Not saying anything I waited till he got on his bike and i got on behind him and did as he told me holding on to him, as he started the bike I took shelter from holding on to him, he was warm, he smelled...nice. Maybe he is the only one who would even pay attention to me, my bully...cares about me?


We arrived at his apartment, as usual he took my phone from me and put it in his pocket. He'd say he didn't want anyone disturbing us, the only time he'll let me have my phone is if my mom is calling me or texting.

"I bought groceries today, cook us something to eat. I'll take a shower, if I get out and your not in that kitchen or I'm my bedroom.." he paused and took my hand in his, I started shaking a little afraid of what he might do. He smiled "I'll break these. One by one. Understood?" He asks, nodding quickly he let my hand go and walked off.

I took off my jacket and sat it down and headed to the kitchen to start cooking for us, j wonder what to cook.

Maybe cheeseburgers...I remember as a kid he liked them a lot even after his birthday parties.


"Now make a wish"

I watched as Donovan blew out his candles, he smiled as he fist pumped his friends who gave him praise on being 13 years old.

"To the best girl in the world, Anais." He smiled at me, smiling I was happy cause unlike the usual days he was extra nice to me today, he was always nice to me when he was around his adopted family and my mother. To them he was the perfect boy and to them we were so cute together.

Me and Donavan...a blush crept to my face as he kissed ny cheek and started opening his gifts, I had got him something special but I'll give it to him later.

After gifts we went to eat, and it was once again cheeseburgers. The more time I spent with Donavan the more things I got to know about him and he absolutely loves cheeseburgers, cookies and ice cream and more. I almost knew everything about him like he knew what I liked too.

It's perfect. It was time to go home, I didn't wanna go home... I wanted to spend more time with Donavan but we had school. It's now or never, taking the courage I walked outside and went over to his secret hideout were he hang with his friends. When I got there I felt nervous, he was laughing at something one of the boys had said.

"D-Donovan?" I called out to him.

He looked over at me and his face instantly became annoyed.

"Can't you see I'm busy loser, get lost." He tells me.

"I-I got you a g-gift" coming closer j held out the bracelet to him, I saved up all my allowance to ask my mom to buy it. It had "my number 1" written in it and his initial on it.

"Eww dude"

"I think she likes you"

He looked at them and back at me, he took the bracelet and balled it in his hand.

"Yeah whatever, who could like a ugly slug like her" he insults me.

Why is he being so mean to me j just wanted to give him something special, I felt my eyes water as I looked down feeling sad.

"I-I sorry" I tell him and turned around and started running, im so stupid why did I do that, this is my fault...

(Present day)

Yeah...that's his favorite.

I started cooking it pushing back the old memories. I never found out if he kept the bracelet or not....I doubt he did, it was a dumb idea it didn't mean anything to him..

Stepping out of the shower I dried my hair and looked in the mirror. It felt great having Anais around me, I get so lonely and feel empty but when I'm with her I feel complete. I love her, though I don't know what love really is but I do know I'd hate to see her with anyone else but me, I wanna be the one she cries too, hold on to, trust in. Depend on, she may think I'm being brutal to her but that's all I know, that's my love. My love brutal but over time she'll get use to it, maybe she can teach me how, how to really love.

To get that I have to keep her to myself, so no one else gets a chance to show her real love.

Smiling I put on my underwear and sweatpants and black wife beater tank top heading out the bathroom door.

The smell of cheeseburgers hit my nose, god it smelled amazing. Make me think if the good birthdays I had, specifically birthdays with Anais her being there with me to celebrate it. I always loved those days as a kid, but after a while she stopped coming to my birthday parties when...I said some Mean things to her after she got me a gift.

It was a bracelet, I still have that bracelet I still cry at night thinking about that day, if I wasn't so set on portray a tough boy, she would have smiled at me instead of ran away. I liked the gift but I didn't wanna wear something so girly at the time, she may not know
It but that bracelet is what gave me drive to find her, find her here.

Never again will I not accept a gift from her, though I doubt she'll ever give me one again.

It would be a long night, but I wouldn't keep her to long so her mother don't worry. I'll try to be...nice since it's just us.

>Till Than Presleys<


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