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That's it, it's over, the dreams, the fantasies, the late night calls, the commitment, the gifts, everything. It's all gone.

Staring at the man I once loved in front of me in disbelief, the soft candlight hitting his face as he holds an awkward frown, his lips wrinkling together, my mouth wide open as his eyes divert across the room, avoiding any contact incase it brings back a spark. I closely followed his movements as he took a sip of the glass of wine in front of him, staining his lips with crimson red.

"What do you mean it's over? It's been 2 years? You've taken me to a fancy restaurant, bought the most expensive wine to simply break up with me?" I argued, my face burning up in embarrassment as I held back my tears causing a slight crack in my voice, "I mean what even caused this, what did I do?"

"Anna no, don't blame yourself. It's just..." His slight pause caused a drop in my stomach, did he find someone else? Did I spend two years loving a man who couldn't even keep it in his pants? "Somethings missing,"

I replayed his words back in my head, what possibly could be missing. I've given him all my attention, I've travelled, I've moved, I've risked my career, all for one little thing that's missing to end it.
"So send out an amber alert, go retrace your steps, there's loads of things you can do when somethings missing that doesn't involve ending things,"

"Anna, I get this is hard, I hope you know I'll always love you" There we go with the copy paste breakup speech, I stared at him, a look of hate on my face as he started listing things to make me feel better, my mind rendering most of it out as it meant nothing to me. "Anna it's not you, it's me"

"Original!" My voice tinted with sarcasm and I lifted myself from my seat, "Ney, maybe you are right, breaking up is a good idea! You've got a reputation anyways, maybe my image will get better if I'm not being assaulted by your fangirls!" I stated, before grabbing the prada purse he bought me and storming out.

I can't believe this, I just got broken up with Neymar Junior!

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"Anastasia, you've got that party tonight, do not miss it! Big names, big bucks!" My manager, Diane, squealed, her voice filled with excitement, she was right. Tonight was a big night, a party filled with models, athletes, producers, scouts, it was a time for me to get properly recognised. Maybe a time for me to become international!

I ran into the bathroom, prepping my skin, brushing my teeth, doing my makeup, picking a dress, it was all too much. I was going to be surrounded by celebrities, I needed to look perfect. I scanned the invitation, formal dress code. Didn't help me at all, I could have a million dresses and yet not one would look right. I scanned my eyes through the outfits I had brought. My mind rendering which ones would be most eye-catching yet not make me look like I was trying too hard.

The obvious choice would be a sexy little black dress but what good what that do to make me stand out. I could wear white but I'm not getting married, I could wear pink but that's too basic. Colours were morphing into wrong choices and bad decisions and failure. I was already 29 and had nothing to show for myself except Instagram followers and a few commercials.

Collapsing on the floor, running on an hour of sleep and extreme jet-lag. Perhaps my decision making was impaired. I quickly grabbed my phone, facetiming my manager, she was ready, wearing something elegant and simple yet her striking makeup mixed in with the red pixie cut she decided to get last night.

"I'm having a crisis, I don't know what to wear," I exclaim, finally admitting defeat, her eyes filling up with rage as I was supposed to be out the door by now. "I'm sorry it's just this is a big day and I cannot find a decent outfit, I mean there's black but basic and white but I'm not getting married!"

"Anastasia, these people are looking at your confidence, not your dress, not your money, not your beauty, wear that little black dress that makes you feel sexy and be on your way!" She demanded, hearing the beeps of the limo she booked slowly get louder as I spent more time panicking. I quickly hung up and put on the little black dress paired with the most beautiful golden shoes, matching my necklace.

I rushed down the stairs, holding my prada bag back tightly and trying not to throw up from stress. I saw Diane rushing to open the door, steam practically rushing out her ears as she hurried me in.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

It was beautiful, held in a French castle, the walls towering over me as I was greeted into the main hall, food was being passed around cooked by some of the best chefs. The castle was hidden by secluded mountains as live music echoed around them. My eyes widened as I spun around the room, seeing faces I could only dream of seeing. Until I saw a face I could only have nightmares about.

Neymar, the man that dumped me 9 years ago. He had only gotten more successful, richer and by the looks of it more handsome. He stood beside a beautiful woman, dark short hair with red lipstick, a crimson dress stuck to the curves of her body.

Confidence shattered.

"Diane, I cannot be here, we have to go!" I whispered, her eyelids falling in disappointment as she looked over to the man that once ruled my heart. She pulled me into the toilets and began to check the stalls before screaming,

"Are you kidding me, some guy is going to ruin your chances of being famous, I saw Bella Hadid here! You're going to give it up for some guy who probably hasn't thought about you in years! I have slept with my fair share of guys and trust me not a single one is worth giving up your dignity over! But if you want to go, fine."

I looked in the mirror, my mascara slightly smudged, my lips dry, my prada purse battered and torn up as I couldn't throw it out. "I want to go," I looked down at the purse, still engraved with our initials, the sides stitched up truing to fix what should've been left broken. "I haven't seen him in 9 years, I guess I just haven't gotten over it,"

Diane pulled me in front of her, her stern eyes staring right into mine, I could feel her cold gaze looking straight through me as she held my shoulders, "Either you go out there and get a gig or I will climb to the top of this castle and jump." I chuckled slightly but her face didn't move, on a certain level she was not joking.

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