Chapter 1

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The Royal Tutor and His Daughter Arrived

The royal palace employs a tutor dedicated to giving its younger princes an exhaustive education to groom them for the throne. This position is bestowed only on the best and brightest educators, specially chosen from within the kingdom.

They are known as the royal tutor.

On a sunny day in the Kingdom of Glanzreich, a black royal carriage, pulled by two white horses, traveled through the kingdom to the royal places. a Man, along with a young lady, was inside.

"Oh, father, we are almost there. Isn't beautiful?" asked the young lady.

"Yes, it is beautiful," replied the man.

The carriage rides through the town, where the young lady looks out and sees so many people and shops; she even smells some fresh baked goods in the air. She had a small book in one hand and a pencil in another. As she was writing something in the book, she turned back to her father and saw him take a piece of paper from his inner coat pocket.

"Is that the letter from the king?" the girl questioned

"Yes," he replied 

The letter reads as this.

"Herr Heine Wittgenstein: I, King of Glanzreich, wish to offer you the position of the royal tutor. Happily, I was blessed with one princess and five princes. My talented firstborn son is next in line for the throne. However, I cannot overlook the possibility of something happening to him. Therefore, I would like to install you as his younger brothers' royal tutor to groom them for the throne. In my view, they are still unfit for kingship. To prevent their teachers' abilities from causing inequality in their progress, I want you to oversee their education. Give them equal attention. I understand that you have some family you need to care for. So I'm allowing you to bring your daughter as an assistant to your job. If the four of them mature into worthy candidates, then at that time..."

At the castle gates, two guards stand at their post. One of reddish light red hair, the other with bright blond. Both wear the same uniform of gold, red and black. The one with red hair spoke in a board tone.

"Boring day after burning day..." He said, slouching while holding a battle axe/spear weapon.

"I sure would like a more exciting post.

"You Fool!" shouted the other guard before he continued.

"We owe this peace to His Majesty the King Glanzreich himself, and we're entrusted with guarding the gates for him. Hold your head high! Also, Today's a special day, and we're to welcome someone summoned by His Majesty." The guard said in a severe tone.

"Oh yeah!" replied the other guard perking up at the thought of something finally happening.

At that moment, the royal carriage pulled up to the gate, both guards standing up straight to welcome the guest.

"Erm, this fellow who'll be coming is..." 

"The royal tutor!" 

As the carriage stopped and the doors opened, a man stepped out.

"At last, We have arrived at the residence of the Glanzreich royal family. Weissburg Palace. Starting today, I will live here in their service as the royal tutor for the sake of my own personal goals."

His name is Heine Wittgenstein.

His name is Heine Wittgenstein

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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