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     Our story starts looking upon Hunglarow, the home of Trolphs. You may be thinking to yourself, what is a Trolph? Well my dear readers, a Trolph is a race of humanoid beings. Looking upon a Trolph one finds that they are beautiful looking creatures. Creatures whom are a peach color, fuzzy almost. They have what people call fuzz that looks like peach fuzz, all over. Of course they have normal hair in places but that's besides the point. Trolphs will have fangs, almost tusk like just barely prickling out their lips. Their body's being as big as 8 or 9 feet in length. Ear's as long as their head, pointy to the touch. Tiny horns on their head, ranging from a centimetre to 3 inches, it varies upon Trolphs. Eye's ranging from different color's, everyone bright with a glow to them as nightfall reaches upon them. And that, my dear readers is where our story begins. 

     As night brisk's the ear's of our character to main, we look upon a seemingly excited looking young trolph, no bigger than 5 feet one could say. Jumping around a nicely lit room, crackling sounds heard from the warmth of the fire set in the fireplace. Sparks dancing in the air, succumbing to the wind as they puff out after mere seconds. Joy ringing in the air as the young trolph spurts out, "So Dad. . . What is this thing?" As they young in points to a staff of sorts. Its whimsical colors beseeching the eyes and sparking curiosity in the mind of them. Pearing their bright glowing royal blue eyes up to their father figure. 

     One could hear the snicker in the air, escaping the old trolph's lips. "Haha, Well my dear child. That there would by thy staff. I like to call them Bro-shougin." Swiveling the balls of their feet to face the other way, floorboards creaking as they moved forward. Picking up a stone, a magnificent stone at that. A smile leaking from his lips as he stared in amazement at the stone. "You see my child, once upon thy time. I was asking the same questions as you, you know?" They would speak turning their head to look at the young trolph. The smile never leaving their face. "What is this? How can we do that? What are staff's?" He'd continue on, turning and then leaning his rear on the desk. Holding the stone still in his palms, still as gorgeous as ever. 

     The eyes of the child, brimming with awe upon the stone and the old trolph's words. Utter amazement and words not beginning to describe the magnificence of the stone. "W-What is that thing father? It's . . . so . . . ." They would slow their word's not being able to define its beauty. Questions pondering and roaming their mind as they did. 

     Raising a brow to his child, words started pouring from his mouth. "Well, this here stone at this time doesn't concern you. Its name i shall give you though, Brandool." The smile creeping back inside as it fades from sight. A small gloom pouring however in the air. "I'd like to hope you shall never see this stone again, but hope is only so much. . . . ." As the stone was wrapped in a velvety cloth and shielded from sight, no longer brimming with light. A drawer cast open as the cloth lie inside, its home locked away from the eyes of sight. "Trandulh helgrbuh." They'd say silently, a small light glowing and pearing out from behind his hands. The drawer shone for a moment before dimming down once more. Turning to look at his child. "Nevermore shall you peak into thing's my kin. . ." A small drought of sorrow leaping from his word's. 

     The light in the child's eyes slithering away, to almost nothing. "But father-" A loud slam could be heard. Wood pieces flying in different directions, the man slamming a piece onto his table and shattering its core. 

     "Nevermore, shall we speak of this. Am I clear my kin. . .?" Brash as it was a look slowly dis earning onto the kid. 

     Looking at nothing but floorboards a soft silent words was spoken. "Yes father, I understand." The child quivering lightly as the sounds of fizzing is heard. Fading out into nothingness, the crackling fire fizzing out into the distance. 

     Awakening upon a clear sunny day, inside of a cabin. Creaking wood and glorious sounds of partying heard in the air. "Hey Akibrus! Stop moping in the corner and get over here! Its a party for Balrus sake!" A young trolph said, blundering their way over to a begrudged Akibrus, sitting in the corner with a pint of Ale in one hand and a burning cigarette in the other, Akibrus stops smoking and turns to their friend. Words pouring out of their mouth, "Dagen, please. Get real, birthday's are just another way to celebrate unrealism." They sighed as they took a sip from the pint in their hand, a small air bubble coming out of their mouthed cage."You know I hate birthdays and what they stand for, even if it is my own birthday we're celebrating." Slamming the cup onto the counter and taking in a deep breath, only to let another out a few moments later. 

     Dagen taking a reeled look, eyes rolling in their sockets at Akibrus. "You say that every year you dunderhead." Lightly tagging them on their shoulder. "Pucker up tuckle nut." Dagen words out loud with a chuckle. Turning themselves on the balls of their feet they turn the other way and start walking stopping for a second and turning their head slightly back. "You know, one day you may not be able to celebrate you birthday Akibrus." Continuing their walk away. 

     With a small sigh and a chuckle escaping their breath, they reluctantly get up and follow. "You always know how to get me Dagen. Always do." Continuing with a small laugh they go to join the rest of the gang at the party. Stumbling little by little along the floorboards of the wood cabin. Creaking and joyous laughter heard among the people in the place. 

     Along all of the chatter of the folks a door could be heard among the people. Clammering open, nobody behind the ominous door. Cold nights air pulsating around the room now. Questions roaming peoples mind's as the air trickles by them, few getting chicken skin and others nickers to there ears. Nobody really knowing whats going on. A small shadow cast upon the door frame as a person walked in, their face cast shadow. Eerie sounds of creaks heard as the figure walked close to Akibrus and a exasperated exhale was heard. "Hahhhhhh. . . . Akibrus. . . ."   The figure spoke, loosely one may add. Their hand coming close to their face trying to caress it. Akibrus stepping back abruptly in a swift haze. Startled and taken aback, mind running on questions and not so many answers. 

     Akibrus's mouth slowly opening to mutter words, "What . . . are you doing?" Their word's quickening as they began to delve into confusion. "Who are you. . .? How do you know my name. . .? What are you doing in Hunglarow . . .?" Are just a few words spoken by them. Very curious words one may say. Their eyes blinking rapidly in and out. 

     The figure looking almost taken aback, starstuck that Akibrus didn't recognize them. "You- You dont remember me Akibrus?" Spoke the creature, in a sad tone. Slowly reaching for their hood and taking it off ever so slightly. "It's me, Quintus. . ." The creature revealing themselves to look like a Menwaq. The most humanoid creature there is. Stood there, everyone in total awe. Akibrus unable to speak word's. "Quintus?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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