Chapter One: Beverly Waller

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Nobody had told me that being friends with Scarlet Lane would also come with her vampire boyfriend. Although, at least she had him under control. The rampant outbreak of killings had skyrocketed the past couple of weeks, and it was no surprise when one of the Eldridge brothers had gotten arrested for murdering the school's German teacher. Anybody who didn't live under a rock knew –or at least suspected– that the family were made up of vampires. And if they didn't think that they at least knew they were bad news. They looked like your stereotypical bad guys, dressing mostly in black, and kept to themselves. Scarlet even has a joke where she compares Jasper to JD from heathers, which I think is utterly morbid. And it wasn't even anywhere close to funny, the man's main clothing item was a black trenchcoat. "It's just because he's always really cold!" Was Scarlet's excuse, but I think he was hiding the fact that his skin was always ice cold (I mean, being undead will have that effect on you).
"I think you should just keep ignoring the problem till it goes away–I mean I did that with Splenda over there, and look, it worked!" Scarlet had the problem of always saying what she thought, and sometimes it was a good thing, but most of the time it ended in a friendship being ruined. I don't think she truly knew the importance of the situation–she was too busy fussing over her new bat boyfriend. I had been dealing with a certain "issue" for the past month. That issue, being that both Elliot Hackett and Griffin Karle had developed the worst crush on me. The bigger problem being I didn't know which one to pick. Although Scarlett didn't think it was hard–if she was in my shoes she told me she would have chosen Griffin. Which isn't surprising, considering the obsessive phase she went through over him. It looks like she got over him though, most likely when he set her up with Jasper. And it's not like he was anything special, he was your average nerd. Was in the marching band, had mostly AP classes, and texted in ways that made him seem above everyone else. Although he did seem to have this weird, charismatic charm about him. And I guess that's why I liked him. But with Elliot in the mix it was just too hard to decide.
"Hey! Earth to Bev, I heard that the Eldridge's are trying to get Thomas moved to the low security prison somewhere outside of Pandora." Scarlet was consumed into her phone, constantly getting updates on the latest gossip, and the happenings of Pandora High School. Beverly was about to reply when Scarlet moved onto another topic.
"Oh also- there is a video going around of when Elliott sang that song to you in the caf-" Beverly tried her hardest to not remember what happened that day. Her and Scarlet had decided to take their chances and eat in the cafeteria, and not even five minutes after they sat down they realized it was a trap. Scarlett had been there to witness a fight, and Beverly was there because she had nowhere better to be. But they both realized there would be no fight, and they had just walked into the most theater-kid love confession there was. It was straight out of a movie, the way the flash mob appeared. And it was actually an amazing performance, up until Elliott got bold and decided to vault over a table. It only ended with him in a puddle of that day's lunch.
"I have a feeling you just didn't listen to a single thing I said." Scarlett furrowed her brow, and smiled. "Here's the short version. Video got leaked of Elliot's embarrassingly cute cafe moment, and I am doing my best to find out who has it." That's another thing about Scarlet, she pretended to not care about anybody, but the second anyone of her friends was in trouble she was the first one to fight on their side.
I stared intensely into my mirror. So many thoughts had been running through my head in the past month. Firstly, the whole love-triangle situation. And second, the fact that my best friend was dating a literal vampire. I guess the vampire-thing would have been alright had I'd been a normal girl. But I had been born different. A werewolf. I didn't find out until I was twelve, and by then I was at the age where I didn't tell my parents things so they knew nothing about my possible life threatening condition. Life threatening, not in the way where it would kill me. Life threatening in the way where something else would kill me because of it. Specifically the Eldridges. I guess having such a close connection with a vampire wasn't the smartest idea, but being so close to Scarlet had its perks–such as not being able to be killed as to not disturb the princess.
Jasper protected Scarlet like it was his one true purpose in life (I guess being immortal means you imprint on random people?) Well it wasn't even that. He was very possessive of her. Like, watches her every move possessive. I swear even when he isn't there, there's some sort of aura that follows her around. Anyone who was smart knew not to mess with Scarlet. Her bodyguard, combined with her ability to perform magic equaled a force to be reckoned with. Beverly knew of one person who she was positive was murdered by Jasper. Scarlett had mentioned it once, how this guy, Sebastian Anderson had been bothering her for days. Mysteriously, he went missing the next day. A runaway, they said. Now I'm not saying Jasper had anything to do with it, hell, almost everyone had something against that man, but it was when he returned that made Beverly worry. Jasper usually saw to it that Scarlet made it to class safely, and one day Beverly had joined them. Except this day they had passed Sebastian. He had kept his head down in the hallways, but it was as if something alerted him. Because as soon as he locked eyes with Jasper he fainted. And Jasper just kept walking.

Word Count: 1057

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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