First kiss

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It's been almost an hour since I got here, we were finishing up our food. I couldn't help but feel Nervous around him, I'm alone with someone who could hurt me and no one would know.

But I guess it feels better than being stood up by Tracy...

"What you thinking about?"

A voice broke me out my thoughts.

Looking I saw Donovan looking at me, his features were relaxed no sign of anger or anything. Thank god, the last thing I wanna do is make him mad.

"Why don't you like me? What did I ever do to you, to make you hate me so much? I tried many years to be your friend and every time you crushed me..."I could feel the tears starting as I looked down.

I didn't realize he moved closer until I could feel his minty breath on my ear, he gently placed his hand over mine.

"Anais...I do like you, I like you a lot. I always liked you even when we're kids, I don't know why I act the way I do to you but you have to know I can't live without you and when you left me it made me angry. Hate you? No I crave every inch of you, my love is just brutal.." he whispers.

"You have to know if always protect you darlin" he finishes.

My tears had went away by this time, I started to feel so many emotions at once. Did my childhood bully just confess his feelings for me...he likes me, always liked me? I was at a lost for words as I looked at him.

He smiled and leaned towards me as he took hold of my face softly and suddenly his lips were on mine. I kissed him back wanting to forget every bad thing he's done to me and enjoy this moment. He kissed me deeply and passionately as you would see in the movies, slowly he made his way on top of me as he moved his lips to my neck.

I could g help but blush as I laid back on the couch holding on to his biceps.

"D-Donovan.." I whisper shaky. I know where this could lead to and I don't think we should. I'm a virgin and I'm scared.

He kept kissing my neck getting a soft moan from me and making me feel a wet sensation between my legs. I bit my lip.

"P-please" I tell him feeling on edge. We had to stop.

He looks at me and kiss my lips again.

"Please what doll?" He said huskily.

I looked up at him blushing trying to catch my breath.

"W-we should stop...I'm a.." i blushes more.

"I know you're a virgin, I promise I won't do anything you don't want me to. We can just lay here and watch tv a little longer and I'll take you home" he told me.

Nodding I smiled back, he rubbed my cheek.

"Never hate me doll, always know no matter what I'll always adore you" he tells me.

I think...I loved him. I think I always did.


"Sorry I got held up at work, I promise next time my treat" Tracy says to me. Smiling I laughed a little. "It's fine okay, at least text or let me know if you can't come" she nods. I promise she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we walked to the cafeteria.

Today was a bit of a happy day for me, Donovan didn't bother me today, in fact he barely looked at me or said anything to me. It kinda made me sad but I wasn't gonna complain and go back to being his target. This is nice to feel a bit safe once in a while.

I only had to deal with Britney and her little brats but they haven't been physical with me lately and I'm glad for it.

As we entered the cafeteria it was busy as usual, everyone joking around talking and eating. I walked over to me and Tracy's table.

"I'll get our lunch" Tracy says to me, I told her what happen last time I went to get food and I kinda avoided it since than. I also couldn't help but think about the kiss me and Donovan shared at his apartment... I couldn't believe that my first kiss was to my first crush and bully. I'm still so confused, I really don't know what's gonna happen to us now.

Maybe it will change the way he sees me? What if he kisses me in public in front of other students...god I'm thinking to much I hate he has my mind like this.

"Thinking about me?"

Turning I see Donovan taking a seat next to me, his boys followed him and sat down surrounding me.

"D-Donovan.." I stammered.

He smiled and lean closer his lip softly brushing against my ear and cheek.

"I couldn't stop thinking bout your soft pretty lips on mine, you been thinking bout me too?" He asks whispering.

"W-where at school Donovan, and you're friends-"

"What about em? They know your mine, they wouldn't dare touch you. Everyone in this school knows you belong to me. No need to be shy" he tells me becoming annoyed.

Before I could respond he kissed me, kissing him back unexpectedly he pulled away and smile.

"See not so scary huh" he laughs.

Blushing, Tracy came back.

"What the hell is this? You harassing her again? Why don't you get lost." She spat, slamming the tray down on the table.

"Tracy it's-"

Before I could say anything they grabbed Tracy, one grabbed her by her hair and the other one punched her in her stomach causing Tracy to scream out in pain falling to the floor.

"Tracy!" I yelled scared for her.

I tried to go to her but Donovan grabbed my arm holding me to him.

"Don't get in there way."

They started to hit Tracy and I scream again.

"Donovan stop! Please stop it! I'll do anything please leave her alone!" I cried.

Donovan told the guys to stop, the cafeteria was quiet everyone was shocked and some didn't even move an inch, we heard the teachers coming and the security guards.

"Yo Don we gotta go" one boy said, Donovan looked at me one last time and let go of me and ran out the cafeteria with his friends.

I quickly run to Tracy and help her, she wasn't bleeding to bad but hand bruises.

"I'm so so sorry Tracy, I'm so sorry" I apologize to her. She shakes her head. "Those asshats should be apologizing to me. Fuck that hurt" Tracy hisses.

Why would he allow them to do that to her, she's a girl! Would he...would he do me like that if I mad him really angry?...

>Till Than Presleys<


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