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The day was windy. It blew over the soft black hair of the small figure as it moved along the over grown grass. The back pack on their back bugling with whatever treasures they felt the need to carry with them. In one small delicate hand they clutched an aluminum flashlight. The cloudless sky watched over them as they made their way through the hidden debris.

Someone else saw them as well. The tall lanky figure watched with hands stuffed into the pockets of their ill fitting pants. Slightly rumpled, the teen watched with a curious gaze. The small figure vanished for a moment in the taller grass. The feet of their observer shuffled forward. When the ebony head popped back up, the observer sighed.

Leaning back against the pole that held the street sign above his ginger locks, he watched the small figure move closer to... that. What were they thinking. His grey eyes arched up to take in the broken windows, the graffittied bricks, the piles of rusted unused junk scattered around. He hummed to himself as the wind played with his sweater. The August air was warm.

He brought his gaze back to the figure. For a moment his heart raced as he couldn't find the small head in the tangled weeds, grass or junk littering the fence line. Then, it popped up, on the other side of the chain link fence. How had they gotten through it? He watched the figure dash across the open space, right toward a broken door that led into the dilapidated warehouse. That was a bad sign. He had to find them quickly.

Without the sun to warm their shoulders the bone thin joints curved toward each other. The room they had entered was dark with an echoing hollowness to it. The beam of the flashlight in their hand hardly penetrated the darkness around them. They shined it over the floor. Inching forward they made their way through the first room. Coming into the inner sanctum of the building they pulled out a body camera. This had been a birthday gift.

Turning it on, they stated the date, time and name of the building. Once all of this was on record, the moved through the darkness. It felt like the sunlit world of outside, was a distant memory to them. This was what they loved about their newest obsession. Shaking off the foreboding feeling, they moved forward. Here the broken windows did assist with repelling some of the darkness. It wasn't much as the dirt and grime of the years covered what glass was still held inside the frame. It made for interesting patterns of light.

The small dark figure moved forward. They were in a long hallway. Swinging the light beam back and forth before them, they made their way along the first floor. There wasn't much activity here, from what they had gathered in their research. Still, they wanted to be through. Peeking in the open rooms, they checked out, if only slightly, all the doors on this floor.

Reaching the cement steps in the back, they made their way up them. There was a shuffling sound. It echoed along the route they were in. Goosebumps formed along any exposed skin on their arms. They shivered twisting this way or that trying to see anything. Suddenly a loud flapping sound emanated from above them. They had stepped out into the second floor. This was a huge open space where most of the work had taken place when the warehouse had been actively producing products.

The beam of light cut through the dust swirling around. A cawing sound yelled back at them. They watched the flight of about twenty birds soaring up away from their noisy appearance. Their laugh echoed around the room. Shinning the light downward, it was apparent they wouldn't be able to ascertain much from this point. Now, they had to make a choice. Down, or around.

There was a hall to their left. This would take them to the back part of the warehouse. Here there was recorded tales of apparitions. Some thirty odd years ago, during the heyday of the plants success, a fire had broken out into he back room. The cause was unknown at the time. No one was able to get out as the door wouldn't open. A bottle neck panic had ensued. More than two dozen people lost their lives.

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