33.My family

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Yibo was worried and Zhan was trying his best to pursue the officer but he was not ready to understand.

Officer I'm saying that Mr. Wang is my father in law and their was a misunderstanding try to understand...

No Mr Xiao...we investigated this matter and is not as simple as seem. Other than Mr Wang their was one more person who was there to harm you or I should say to kill you...he was a sharp shooter hired by someone...and we have doubts about Mr Wang.

But Mr. Wang is my family member he is family so he'll never try to harm me...it's our family matter so I'm withdrawing this case...

Okay if you say so Mr Xiao but I'll talk to Mr Wang about related informations... after some paperwork and legal procedure he can go home...

Thank you officer...

Zhan and Yubin went to Yibo and Mrs Wang and told them about discussion between him and police officer.
They sighed with relief. One hour later they released Mr Wang. When Yibo saw his father he ran toward him and hugged him.
He cried in his embrace Mr Wang was sad but his son's warmth was enough to make him happy. Yanli also hugged him.

Zhan was looking at them there was a different feeling inside his heart he was missing the feeling of being hugged. When his father was there for him he felt that warmth but when his father was gone he never felt that feeling again. Looking Wang family his eyes got tearful but he was expert in hiding his pain and tears but Yubin was his closest person and friend he instantly recognized his sad expression.

They left from police station
When they were walking out Mr Wang, Yanli and Mrs Wang kept walking while Yibo waited for Zhan to come out when Zhan and Yubin came out Yubin looked at Yibo but he kept walking.
Zhan saw that Yibo was looking at him so he walked near him...

Dd what happened...you..

Zhan's sentence got cut in middle when Yibo suddenly hugged him. Zhan was shocked.

Thank you Zhan ge...thank you so much...

Dd there's no need to thank me...let's go to home we will talk about this at home ok...

Yibo nodded and broke the hug. For Zhan this was new feeling his heart was still beating lub dub lub dub 💓💓💓
Yibo went with his parents while Zhan came at Xiao Mansion.
He went to his room still in daze because of simple hug. He sat down on couch resting his head on headrest with closed eyes. His hand was clutching at the place of his heart.
Suddenly a hand crept on his neck from back. He thought that was Yibo but when he heard the voice...

Zhan baby...where were you...

Zhan shot opened his eyes and jerked her hands...

Ziyi...how many times I have to tell you that I'm married so stay away from me...

And how many times I have to tell you that I know very well about your so called marriage...
And you never told me that you you are into boys...and your husband so called murderer...

Ziyi...stop it...and get out right now...

Zhan roared at her. She was afraid of Zhan's anger so she left from there and Zhan with his confused feelings sat down on couch he grabbed drinks and started to drink one by one bottle...
After drinking three bottles he got drunk and fell asleep.

Yibo had dinner with his family. There was still many questions in his mind but he remained silent.
After dinner when Mr Wang went to his room Yibo also followed him.

Appa...I...I..want to ask you something...

Yes bobo what is it?

Appa ...did..y..you shoot Zhan ge...??

Yibo's question made Mr Wang restless he was unable to answer his question.

Bobo...he...hurted you many times...because of him I was in hospital and you are in a relationship with him called marriage. But have you ever received love or care from him..?? No he just hurted you and I wanted to make him suffer that's why I shoot him...but he survived...

Appa...you...you..were trying to kill him?? 🥺


Sorry for mistakes
Thanks for reading 😊

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