-forty one-

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Haera huffed as she pulled her mask down, taking a few deep breaths. She looked at her surroundings and back to her phone, where a blue arrow and a red dot was displayed. She pulled up her mask before continuing towards her destination.

Just 30 minutes ago, she had tracked the delivery guy to a nearby neighbourhood by hacking into countless CCTVs. The trail had ended in the small neighbourhood that Haera had just rushed to. And she hoped with all her might that the guy was still there.

'I swear, if he isn't here I'm going to be so pissed for wasting so much time...'

The location of a red dot grew closer as Haera continued navigating through the narrow alleyways of the neighbourhood. She finally stopped at one of the buildings, which had a poster promoting delivery services on the front door. She looked around the road and was satisfied to see the motorbike with the exact license plate number that Jihye had given her.

'I got you now.'

Haera reached her hand into her pocket and took a dagger out, gripping it tightly, before she cautiously entered the building.

There were a few other shops, and many empty spaces. It seemed that business wasn't good, yet the building stayed. When she got to the highest level, she understood why it stayed. It seemed that the delivery service was much sought after, having a whole shop space rented just for parcels, while the main office took up 2 shop spaces. Haera hid the dagger in her pocket and entered the shop.

"Hello, I'm looking for the owner of this motorbike." Haera asked the lady at the front desk.

"Give me a moment." She replied without any emotion and checked through the system.

"Park Myungsoo. He just came in a few minutes ago. He just finished his shift. He's probably changing right now."

"Okay, thank you." Haera looked around and started walking to the locker room.

"Uh, where are you going?" The lady asked. Haera took out a ₩10,000 bill from her pocket and slipped it to her. "Don’t stop me." The lady gave her a look and just took the money. Haera smirked and continued towards the locker room.

She leaned against the wall right next to the door, taking the dagger out and spinning it around. Minutes later, the door opened and a guy dressed in a checkered shirt and grey pants walked out. Haera immediately pinned him to the wall, the dagger to his throat.

"You're going to tell me who you got that parcel from, and you're not going to be able to decline."

"Who are you? Crazy bitch..."

"Oh yeah I'm crazy. So you better tell me what I want to know, or else..."

"If you kill me, the camera will capture it."

"Hm, you're right..." Haera retracted the dagger and kept it away. "Then don't tell me. Up to you. If you want to keep helping a person who is literally sending death threats and... gorey stuff depicting murder to a minor, then I'm sure the judge will be really interested to know what kind of relationship you have. An accomplice, maybe? And since my dear friend is a minor, I'm sure the punishments will be severe, especially since her parents will sue. I'll be sure to get them to sue you as well, mister accomplice. Maybe for a couple hundred thousand ₩on? Hm... Oh well, up to you. You can either help me get to the bottom of this, or lose some money." Haera shrugged and started walking off.

"Wait! I really didn't know what was in that parcel! I'll tell you what you want to know."

"Hm..." She turned back to face him. "Make it quick. I'm running on a tight schedule."

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now