EP1 - That darn stray cat...

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It's pouring. Even though it's supposed to be super warm with everyone feeling like they're melting. 6 o'clock. It's dark and cold too. Nanno is wearing her grey raincoat.

Drop. Drop. Drop.

Her footsteps are fast. She's running. An old man hollers at the top of his lungs behind her. "Thief! Thief!" A corner. Make a run for it!


"Phew, that was tiring." She stole a bottle of coffee from a shabby convenience store down the road. TK showed it to her. As well as how to run and hide behind the corner fast enough. Simple tricks to get her out of trouble.

Troublemakers. They're both troublemakers.
On the first day they met, TK's eyes sparkled as he watched Nanno shine. She never had a passion for anything. Somehow TK got it out of her.

"Meow!" A hairy, black cat emerges from the shadows of the ally. It rubs it's head against Nanno's leg. It purrs softly. Nanno squats down and pats its head.

Step. Step. Step.

Who's that now? "Meow!" the furry, black cat suddenly jumps and yowls. It scratches Nanno's cheek before scurrying back into the darkness. Step. Step. Step.

They're coming closer.

"Nanno? What are- Oh! You're bleeding!" A familiar voice gently speaks. It's TK. He's also wearing that same blue raincoat from last time. Nanno's face starts to sting a little. "Wait here. I'll get you some ointment and bandages." TK runs off into the rain, wearing his hood over his head.


"I'm back! Does it still hurt?" TK approaches, panting like he just ran a marathon. Nanno is sitting on a nearby bench, she looks up at him and looks away nervously. "It stings a little.." Nanno's voice is hushed. She hasn't been able to bring herself to talk to TK for a while now. This feeling in her chest. Like her heart's twisting and stretching at the same time. Her face grows hot like she's come down with a fever.

TK slowly applies ointment to a cotton ball, dampening it slightly. Gently, he cleans Nanno's wound for her. She does nothing but stare into TK's warm eyes. Like she's being sucked in by an imaginary force. TK stares back, confidently holding eye contact. It makes Nanno's head spin.

"There, all better." TK places a bandage on her left cheek. Caressing her face, his palm is  warm and soft. Nanno presses her face into his hand, touching the back of it with her's. She plays with his hair a bit, before leaning in closer. Her heart's racing. She pauses as both their lips were an inch further from touching.

TK slowly nears himself. The gap closes, their lips touch one another. Softly, they brush off each other. The kiss ends with them smiling into each other's eyes.


"Heh, looks like the culprit is still here." Nanno giggles, as TK is still staring right into her gleaming eyes.

"Don't disappear on me, promise?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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