Chapter 1
When Lola got home from school she ran into her room in tears and locked the door. She had told all her friends even in front of a boy who she likes, his name is kris a fake story.
"I hate myself, there's something wrong with me and I have a big head with a big brain and last of all I have my bad bad bad bad mouth" She said in a grumbling voice.
After 2 minutes she unlocked the door and went too her mum.
"Mum can I go to Chloe's and Angelque's" She asked feeling miserable
"Yes" her mum replied happily.
Before she left her house she felt better" bye mum" on the way.
When she got too their house she knocked on the door
"Hello?" said Angelque
"Where do I put my umbrella" She whispered in a lonely voice walking done the hallway. "So what are we doing?"
"Lola there's something wrong"
". '' no there's nothing wrong lola tell me whats wrong please''no you cant fix it Angelique its too embarrassing
'' 'i was packing my school bag and i was with my friends coco, kris. wait kris the boy you like''like let me continue and be, kris best friend so i made up a place named brotopier so i said and it rained hair''.oo i fell so bad for you".
Let me think maybe i can help let me see.........
1h 2h 3h...........