First step: artifact

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I straightened up, the tingling feeling was gone, I stretched slightly and after a while Pyrrha came up to me. She congratulated me and then recommended that we continue our search for the artifacts. We entered a dilapidated building that probably once served as a cathedral, I stared at the remnants of the ceiling that barely held on to the rotten beams. I was afraid that they would start to fall on our heads, suddenly Pyrrha snapped me out of my thoughts.

-Look, Jaune.

On several stone pedestals were gilded chess pieces. I walked closer to them and then I realized that several of the pedestals were empty. I saw that there were a few pawns, however, my attention was drawn to the figure of the knight, it is, after all, one of the most valuable pieces. I walked over to the pedestal and carefully picked up the statue, luckily none of the traps activated. I lifted the, knight looked at it carefully and then handed it to my companion.

-And how do you think it will work? (I asked with a slight hint of concern in my voice)

- I think so, great job, Jaune.

I smiled and was about to head towards the exit, but suddenly I heard the sound of a person running. And like a thunderbolt, a red-haired girl burst into the ruins of the cathedral, with a wild scream she headed towards the pedestals, grabbed one of the figures and then screamed at the top of her lungs.


she made a few more laps around the ruined altar, then waved vigorously and screamed

-Look what I got! beautiful right?! that's for sure! we are just amazing!!!

I was very surprised by the whole situation, but suddenly I realized that she wasn't directing these shouts at me, but at a certain boy dressed in white trousers, a green vest and with black hair. who just came out from behind the door.

The stranger ran towards him, hung on his neck and then began to say something with great enthusiasm. After a while they both disappeared down the corridor Pyrra summed up the whole situation with a smile and a slight giggle. After which we also decided to leave the ruins.

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