hoes be gay

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[Heeeyyyy kala, so uk how i said i needed to write a companion piece? I lied, sort of, i needed to finish this before i could publish the other fic, but they r not at all related lmao. Wanna know what else i lied abt? Ur gonna hav to read all the way to the end to find out >;]]

Slender was walking along, head empty and hands into the pockets of his black pants as he wondered whether or not he should just skip his next class. He'd skipped most of his classes that day, but he was getting a bit bored of walking the halls aimlessly.

As Slender turned the corner, still not paying attention, he ran straight into a much shorter boy with reddish hair. It kind of reminded him of bacon to be honest. 

Not the point man, this loser just bumped into you.

"Hey, " Slender began, "watch where you're going lo-"

"Look Skipper McSkipperton, you might have time to harass people in the halls, but I sure don't, so I'm just gonna go." And with that, the shorter teen shoved past him, starting to walk away before being stopped by a hand on his wrist.

"Wait a minute, how do you know I'm skipping? You following me or something?" Slender raised an eyebrow, trying to goad the stranger into continuing the confrontation. 

But instead the stranger just rolled his eye with an attractive scoff - woah there Slender, where's that coming from? What does that even mean?? - and spoke again, "We're in the same science class dumbass. Maybe you'd know that if you showed up for more than the first day."

Slender smirked, "You're telling we met once a couple months ago and you still remember me? Must've made quite the impression."

His supposed classmate spluttered a little and - no Slender he's not blushing that'd be ridiculous, his cheeks are just a little pink because…because. …it's kinda cute though - glared at him, "What the heck dude, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing, you should probably head to class now," Slender replied, reminding the guy about the time just so he could watch him remember the time. And subsequently panic about it. And start running to class, forgetting to pull Slender's hand from his wrist and instead just accidentally pulling him along. 

Slender muffled his laughter until they'd reached the stranger's class, when he let a few chuckles spill out, devolving into more laughter as he watched the stranger - not blushing why would he be blushing around you Slender - get embarrassed and finally yank his hand away, swiftly walking into the classroom and leaving Slender behind. 

Slender's laughter faded back into chuckles as he walked away. Maybe I should give chemistry another shot…


Bacon walked into his science class the next day, expecting everything to be as it always was, only to pause for half a second as he noticed the dumbass from yesterday actually in his seat for once. 

What the hell? Did that idiot show up just to mess with me or something, or has he suddenly decided to be a good student?

But there wasn't really anything he could do about it, and he didn't really feel like talking to him - what would I even say? Hey bozo, why are you in the class you're supposed to be in doing nothing weird? No way - so Bacon just sat in his normal seat, putting his bag on the floor and playing games on his phone while he waited for the teacher to show up and class to start. 

Bacon jolted as he heard someone throw themselves into the chair next to him. He turned to look and saw that the idiot himself had apparently chosen to switch spots once he saw Bacon enter the classroom. He was now sitting in the chair next to him with his arm slung across the top and his legs crossed, also on his phone. Bacon rolled his eyes and elected to just ignore him for the duration of the class, tucking his phone into his pocket as Ms. Innov entered the room.

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