14 ~ Stuck

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A/N: Once again sorry for the late update. I was busy with mock trial. But I'll be done with ALL my homework on Monday so soon I'll be able do update every day.


I was stuck alone with two members of the 'Golden Trio' as everyone called them. This was torture. After Filch had locked us in the Dungeons.

He had made sure to tell us that the reason Why we were locked in here is cause he wants us to actually clean the dungeons cause it was his job but we were,

On detention so we had to do it. And if we didn't he would lock us in here again the next night until we DID clean it. I sighed slumping against the wall.

"Stupid Filch. At least leave us our wands!" I murmered

"Well Why don't you shutup cause we both know without your wand your worthless!" The Weasel sneered "Oh we'll see about that!" I yelled lunging forward and tackling him to the ground. Throwing a punch to his face.

He flinched blocking the next punch. Then pushed me off flipping on top of me.

"Guys stop." I heard Granger say without emotion. We both paused and glanced at her. She was staring intently at the cell bars.

"Hey mudblood." I murmed with weasel knee against my chest, " just so you know. its not possible to shoot lasers from your eyes." I sneered.

She flinched at my name calling then threw me a dirty look.

"Well if you had actually been paying attention in class you'd actually know how to create spells without a wand." She said her voice filled with sarcasm

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in annoyance, "Well sorry not everyone is as perfect as you." I mocked, as i felt the weasel dig his knee harder into my chest.

My eyes flew in his direction as i shoved him off remembering his presence.

"Get of me you filthy weasley." I scowled my face twisting in disgust as he got up brushing hiself off. I pushed myself up then glanced at Granger again.

"Those Bloody bars aren't going to open Hermoine." I heard the weasel say in a soft voice. I instinctively turned resting my eyes on the weasel's face whose eyes were landed on the mudblood. A look of wanting and unmistakable desire.

"Oh my Bloody Gosh." I said loudly my eyes wide open. Granger slowly turned her head in my direction while rolling her eyes at the same time. Weasel side turning his eyes towards me.

And without looking away from him my eyes locked into his i said. "Ron Weasley likes the Mudblood."

A/N: That first a/n message is really old... like may old so i just wanted to say that i was really busy with finals and track championships and diving class and all that crap but im done now.. so so sorry.. check out my other fanfictions!! more on the way

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