The sadness

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''Hey''Anna said walking down the school hallway. Her and Jacob have been having problems since he started flirting with Alisa. Anna hates her so much. ''Hey''Jacob said giving her a hug that made her have butterflies in her belly.''So where is Alisa?''Anna said getting mad because she knew he wasn't gonna be honest.''don't knew don't care.''Jacob said looking down at her with his perfect eyes. Her friend,Saletha had been telling her all that he does with Alisa. He rubs her thighs, talking and laughing, hugging her the way he does Anna.So yeah it was like he was her boyfriend to her face but someoneelse's behind her back. It made Anna cry all the time. She loved him so much. He didn't know. They have been dating for almost a month and this has been going on since they started dating.Her friends Kayla,Destiny,Andria has been telling her to break up with him but what they don't understand is that it is really hard for her. ''Ok''She said hugging him back with tears in her eyes. Today they are going outside to play on the bouncy houses and lay in the shade and stuff but Anna can't go out till after lunch because she didn't do enough math.Jacob did and so did freaking Alisa, so they are going out together.Well.....while she was inside with Saletha, Salitha told Anna that the only reason he got back together with her was because he felt sorry for her because she was crying.See a couple of weeks ago they broke up because Anna didn't trust him around Alisa.Anna got really upset about what Saletha told her.She cryed untill lunch and then she saw Jacob.She asked him if the only reason he got back together with her is becuase well he walked off........They broke up.........They went outside and he was laying in the grass with alot of girls that are alot younger than him. Jacob and Anna are in 8th grade well he is laying with 6th graders. He had his head in the lap and everything.......When they were going inside he put his arm around a 6th grader and turned around and said ''I'm sorry.''

---this is my for real relationship----

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