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Santana reluctantly pulls away from their embrace, tears flowing freely down her face. She meets Brittany's eyes and her heart breaks all over again, seeing the sadness in those normally bright blue orbs.

She can't help but surge forward bringing their lips together once again, needing to make that look go away. This time the kiss lasts longer and it turns desperate. Santana brings her hands up to the back of Brittany's neck, pulling her impossibly close to her. Just saying those words to Brittany, makes her feel like a half of her died. Why did she have to say those things? Why would she break up with the love of her life life?

Santana grabs the binder in Brittany's hands and drops it down onto the floor beside them. She grabs Brittany's thighs and pulls her forward in her chair, bringing them closer together. "Come back to my house." Santana whispers against the blonde's lips.

Brittany pulls back, her eyes darting back and forth between Santana's. She's confused, because Santana just basically broke up with her and now she's telling her to go back to her house. And she's pretty sure what Santana wants to do when they get there isn't something two people who just broke up should be doing.

"Okay," She says, nodding her head. Its the only words her brain could muster up. The feeling of Santana's hands running up and down her thighs, her lips pressing soft but urgent kisses to her lips, chin and cheeks, it's all too much. She can't think clearly. All she knows is she needs Santana. She needs her now more than she's ever needed her. It's only been a few seconds since Santana uttered those awful words, but she already feels as though her world crashed around her. Santana's not even gone yet, but she misses her.

Santana stands up from her chair and laces her fingers with Brittany's pulling her out of the choir room and out of the school with her. She follows Santana to the Latina's car and feels her back being shoved up against it and Santana's body press against her front.

Then Santana's lips are on hers again. Her tongue is tracing her bottom lip, begging for permission which is soon granted without hesitation. Brittany's hands wrap around Santana's waist, holding her tightly against her, her fingers digging into the small of Santana's back.

Brittany moans as soon as their tongues touch, and Santana swallows it purposefully. "Come on, let's go." Santana says, breathlessly pulling back. She pulls Brittany off of the car and opens the passenger door for her.

As soon as Brittany is in, Santana is running as fast as she can in her heels to the drivers side of the car.

They drive in silence for a few minutes, both too caught up in their heads. The arousal is thick in the air, and it's fogging both of their brains. But finally, Brittany seems to get some clarity, being away from Santana for a few minutes. "What are we doing?" She asks softly.

Santana bites down on her bottom lip and keeps her eyes on the road. "Can we just not talk...or think right now." Santana asks desperately. She doesn't know what she's doing, what they're doing. But she needs Brittany right now, and she knows if they talk, she probably won't get that.

Brittany hesitates briefly, because she always likes to talk about things with Santana. It's something they'd been doing ever since they started dating, and Santana realized it was better with feelings. "Okay," She says, nodding her head subtly.

Santana lets out a breath of relief, and they drive in silence the rest of the way to her house.

As soon as their in the front door, they're kissing again. Surprisingly, Brittany had been the one to initiate it this time as she pressed Santana up against the closed front door.

"I need you Britt," Santana moans out desperately. "I need you so fucking bad," She says as Brittany's lips move down to her neck.

Brittany moves back up her neck and jaw line. She places a soft kiss to Santana's lips before pulling back completely. She grabs Santana's hand and leads her up the stairs and into Santana's bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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