a soft midnight breeze

421 13 40

The wind continues to blow the sails, as the water continues to hit the sides of the decently large boat.
And The wind was also giving off such a lovely cool air, it was quite refreshing after such a long day full of-shopping, and cooking a full four-course

Meal for like several people-it was also quite the ground feast to it was.

But that was expected, it was pretty normal, but still that doesn't make it only more less tiring for younger cook.
But that isn't even the end of it-

having to clean up the kitchen was one thing,
but cleaning a bunch of dishes afterwards was another I'll tell you.

But even than that wasn't the end of it either, since a certain SOMEONE can't seem to really listen to him when he says it's time for dinner,
if he isn't busy shopping for groceries for dinner, or busy making dinner.

He's either cleaning it. or he's probably making drinks for the ladies or something, but sometimes if you're really lucky

you might just happen see him making his way up to crow's nest to see a certain swordsman Who also
happened to mange to make it to come down for dinner. (once again, it's honestly quite normal at this point.)

"oi, stupid marino you ever plan on coming down for dinner instead of just standing here all day, hm?"
the blonde-haired male asks as he slowly makes his way up the stairs,

Making his way over to zoro as he does so.
"you already missed dinner yesterday night,
and now tonight. What do you actually just not like my cooking now or what? "

The blonde says clearly pissed, as he continues to pull out a cigarette from his pocket as he lights it.

".... " silence-nothing could be heard, except for the sound of the waves brushing against the deck of the boat, and the Hollowing winds passing by.

As The moon starts admitting moon light, that just ever so subtly bringing out the features of a certain moss-headed male look very, good looking....

One would say, the blonde's cheeks couldn't help but suddenly start to warm up at the sight.
I mean how was he not Supposed to??,..(I mean he's not gay but damn... He was quite the eye candy-.)
I mean the moon was just hitting his face and his muscles just right...-you could see how much the moon light adored his skin,

as the light continues to complement his already VERY defined and attractive features,
It wasn't a secret that the swordsman was quite charming with his dashing good looks of his.

(Getting all the ladies, lucky him-oh how the cook sometimes envied zoro's attractiveness, not that he'd ever admit it out load of course!)

"... Are you really just gonna sit there and ignore me...? " the cook says finally after a few minutes had passed by, man he was getting even more pissed by as time seemed to just fly by so quickly.

As His eyebrow continued to
twitch-almost making an arch, as he continued to bring his freshly lint cigarette back up to his lips as he.,

continued to inhale the smokey gray smoke, as he than continues to follow up and blow it back out again, as the smoke disappears into the air. Into seemingly Nothingness.

The man only continued to let out an annoyed sound as the moss-headed swordsman continued to ignore him, letting him very much off.

At this rate he was just about to kick him straight in that stupid head of his! How dare he??
I mean, ignoring him like this, like he wasn't even there or mattered! It pissed him off.

He just wanted to kick him in that stupid face of his, and scream at him-'hey don't ignore me like that you stupid Marino! '

He was met with a soft sigh only after a few minutes of sporting some nonsense about, how he'll regret ignoring him, or 'just wait till you fall asleep! ' or something like that.

"do you need something...? " he says slightly annoyed at the cook for causing such a Ruckus, as he tried to enjoy his nap.

At his comment the blonde only got angrier as his face started to turn red from all the anger and heat that was Radiating off him.

"chill won't you?-or are you just gonna throw a fit like an over-grown child or something? "

The audacity of the moron! How dare he, the blonde haired male thought to himself as he continued to angrier aim his leg straight towards the swordsman's head,

obviously trying to kick him for saying such a ridiculous thing.
The other male only continued to sigh heavily as he opened his one eye, turning towards the blonde before catching his leg with his one hand.

"always picking a fight aren't we? Can't you just be quiet I'm trying to sleep here. "

The moss-headed male says as he continues to pull the other male down until the ground with one swift pull of his leg.

The man only continued to let out a slight yelp as he Fumble as he fell onto the ground, or well mostly-half as his head landed on the swordsman's chest, his legs slightly tangled with the other male's legs.

He only continued to stay still at he started at nothing,
His cigarette continues to falling out of his mouth, that was now slightly open as steam

Continued to pour out of the Cook's ears seemingly, as his ears and fave continued to turn the same lovely tint of red, just ever so slightly.

His tried to speak but he only fumbled over his words as he tried to figure out what had happened, and to make it worse

That stupid moron was holding him by his waist!-this was not happening there was no way, he was a gentleman man and a ladies man!

There was no way he was into this stupid moss head right!?
And there was surely no possibly that he didn't mind the stupid Marino holding him close like this right...?

There was no way! He thought to himself as he tried to break free from the other man's hold.
(Which only made him hold him even more security instead-so that was a fail.)

"let me go you over-sized ape! " he says embarrassed as he tries to get away,

Just than the other male only continued to bring a hand up to the blonde male's chill, as he clashed his lips with sanji's lips.

It only lasted for a second or two but that was enough to stun the cook of course,

As he continued to stay there stunned, and momentarily paralyzed-the other man confused to put a cigarette up to the blonde's lips,

before pulling a lighter that was stashed in the blonde's picket before lighting in, and handing it back to him.

Making sure to put it back into his pocket,

"I like it better when you don't talk, you should be like this more often"
The swordman's says with a big smirk, as he continues to leave the blonde alone to his thoughts.

It only took a few more seconds before the blonde could fully understand what had just happened, before he knew it he was already throwing a fit.

'How dare he! He stole a kiss from me with dirty lips-I was saving my lips for a lovely lady! '

Of course no matter how much he cursed out the moss-headed male, he still couldn't get the feeling and the taste of the male's lips off his mind for the rest of the night.

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