Weirdest. Kidnapping. Ever.

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Creaakkkk. Creeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakk.

Arazil's eyes fluttered open. She groaned, still groggy. Arazil checked her alarm clock: 4: 34 AM. Yawning, she shifted back to bed, enclosed in warmness of her blankets again.

She was about to fall back asleep when a sound woke her.

Creaaaaaakkk. Krsssshhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Arazil was incredibly annoyed.

"Shut up, Brad!" she yelled, her voice unfortunately in the 'Morning Voice' mode. Her older brother, a highly irritating 17 year old high school jock, was known in their household to stay up late and do who knows what with his friends. Brad's room was also right beside Arazil's.

The creaking stopped.

"Finally," Arazil grumbled. She was not in the mood to get up and kick down Brad's door to tell him to knock off his ridiculous actions.

The creaking started again, and this time, Arazil got up, slid into her fluffy bunny slippers, and opened her door, letting it bang against the wall.

Before her was a figure clad in black holding one of her family's most precious heirlooms. The figure's back was toward her, a gloved hand was closed around a shimmering gemstone, worth, like, two bucks.

Arazil was frozen with fear. 

So, she did the best possible thing anyone could do.

Arazil opened her mouth and let loose a wild scream.


The intruder was startled and turned around and lunged for her.

Acting on instinct, Arazil took her most precious $1, 200 iPhone and slammed the butt of it into the person's head.

"Oh, noo!" she cried out. "Omg, no, not my baby!"

Arazil glared at the stupid intruder, seething with anger.

"hOw dArE yOu lEaVe a sCrAtCh oN mY IPHONNEEE!!!!!!!!

The figure was taken aback and backed down the hall a bit, bumping into Brad's closed bedroom door.

"I- uh- di-" a deep voice resonated out from the man. 

Hey, that voice sounds familiar! Arazil thought with a jolt.

"WELL, SHUT UP BEFORE I BASH YOUR HEAD WITH UH-" Arazil quickly turned around and made a quick grab for her hefty tennis racket. "WITH THIS!" She brandished her new weapon and thought to put down her iPhone.

Arazil set down her phone on a nearby stand. 

She kissed her iPhone, "Don't worry sweetie, Mommy's here to protect you." Arazil smiled down admiringly at her phone.

The mysterious person cleared his throat. "Uhh, so um, are you done...?"

Arazil tossed her dirty blonde hair. "Shut up," she ordered. "Now, tell me why you decided to break into my house."

At that moment, Brad opened his door, his face scrunched together, ready to scold Lizzy for all the racket.

His eyes went wide at the sight of Lizzy facing the *ugh* intruder.

Unlike Arazil, he quickly dove into action.

Brad punched the man in the stomach, causing the man to emit a groan of pain.

The man was also wearing a traditional bandit face mask, which Brad pulled off like a pro.

"Whoo-hoo!" Arazil cheered from the sidelines. "You got this, Brad! I've always had faith in you!"

Brad paused, surprised. "Wait, really?"


The  bandit used his distracted time to launch himself forward, knocking Brad over with his weight while pulling out a chloroform infused cloth to cover Brad's face in it.

Brad fell to the floor, a rancid stench of chemicals, almost like the sharp, unpleasant smell of hand sanitizer, washing over him. He felt like he couldn't breath, his face smothered in the cloth.

Arazil sprang to action, after all, Brad's still her brother. Besides, who else could she torture and pester during this summer break?

Lashing out her tennis racket, Arazil knew she was going to have a solid on this idiot who broke into their house.

Quite unfortunately (though Arazil didn't quite regret it), the man, being an idiot, again (ugh, why couldn't he just be more sensible?) jumped out of the way which led to Brad getting a solid whack to the forehead.

"Ooof," Arazil winced. "There's definitely going to be a bruise day for you, bud. And is it worse that I don't feel bad? At all?"

Arazil couldn't get to think more about it because she got clobbered (which was highly annoying, like why does Brad get the cool 'Falling to the Floor like a Hero' and she gets to be bonked on the head?) on the back of her head, again, with the man being an idiot.

Moments later, Arazil awoke with a grunt. Bright lights blinded her eyes. 

Where am I,  she thought.

704 words.

Hiya peeps, so just if anyone of you are confused at this first chapter and of Lizzy's behavior....

i honestly dont know why I made her like that... in my original draft on google docs she was more sensible and way more intelligent...but oh well, its for the laughs.... i guess...

I'm so glad I finally got to publish this first chapter because I've originally had written The Missing Gem as a whole different story (different names and scenes and the intro was wayyy better), but with the same plot. My original story was wayyyy better and much more humorous, but my younger self (acting like the idiot intruder) deleted the doc, and sadly, it couldn't be recovered.

So, this story just means a lot to me since the original one was one of the first stories I've actually committed to and spent time on it.

I hope you all enjoyed this story so far as much as I've enjoyed writing it :D

Peace ✌🏻

(shoutout to elyzia  for this story's awesome cover! u can also personally request for your own cover at her graphics shop :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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