Prince Powerful Mate Part 1

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Hi guys. This is my first story so I hope you like it.

The ships are Taekook, Yoonmin, Namjin, Kaihope and if your not comfortable or your homophobic leave this story is not for you.

(Text) = thinking
'Text' = whispering
*Text* = action
"Text" = speaking
:Text: = pov

So let's start.

Long time ago there was three kingdoms. Kingdom of Winter, Kingdom of Fire and Kingdom of Ancient. But one day something happened to the Kingdom of Ancient, a powerful being destroyed and attacked the Kingdom of Ancient there were no survives except the King and Queen's sons, they are Kim Teahyung, Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin. Kim Seokjin is the oldest, Park Jimin is the middle and Kim Teahyung is the youngest. There parents were able to get them out of the attack and hid them near the Kingdom of Fire but the King and Queen weren't able to survive the attack.

Before the King and Queen died they gave their sons a necklace. The necklace was a powerful gem that only the royals of Kingdom of Ancient can have. They told their sons their powers and what the necklace is about they also told their sons not to tell anyone that they are from Kingdom of Ancient they gave their sons some money to survive but they had to go back to protect and fight for their Kingdom.

Timeskip to the present


"OK COMING HYUNG!!!" Jimin said

"OK!!" Taehyung said

Jimin and Teahyung went to the bathroom and got ready

Then they went downstairs

"Good morning hyung!!!" both Jimin and Teahyung said

"Good morning taebear. Good morning Jimin.
Hurry up and eat your food so we can go to school." Jin said

"OK hyung!! Thanks for the food." Jimin said

"Thanks for the food hyung!!" Taehyung said

"Your welcome. So are you both ready to go to school?" Jin said

"We're nervous hyung." both Jimin and Taehyung said

"Why?" Jin said

"Because we're in the Fire Kingdom. What if they will know about us?" Taehyung said

"They won't if we don't tell them." Jin said

"OK hyung." both Jimin and Teahyung said

"Let's go to school now. Don't forget to wear your necklace and don't tell anyone about us no powers either understood?" Jin said

"Yes hyung" both Jimin and Teahyung said

"But what if they will ask for our power?" Jimin said

"Then just tell them we have fire powers." Jin said

"But how?"  both Jimin and Teahyung said

"We're from the Ancient Kingdom we can have any power we want so just think about the fire power nothing else and let's not get in a fight." Jin said

"Ok." both Jimin and Teahyung said

"Welp let's go or we'll be late." Jin said

"OK let's go" both Jimin and Teahyung said

Let's timeskip to school

By the way they just got enrolled last week so their 2 weeks late.

"Woow!! This school is awesome!!" Taehyung said

"I know but low your voice down." Jimin said

"He's right tae." Jin said

"OK hyung." Taehyung said

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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