Alchemy of souls 2

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The following day was a quiet day not because Jang uk refused to train with Sang In it's been banished from your dream

You lazy rat get up"She punched his shoulder
Get off me and go do housework"He pushed her off him

She was taken back at his comment
She stopped and looked at herself and it clicked

Jang Uk coould care less
Do housework "she nodded sarcastically
I'm going to murder this man

But those thoughts were stopped when Maidservant kim cane in and informed them that the crowned prince is waiting in the living room

Jabg Uk groaned but left his bed
They bowed for the prince and he sat down

Jang Uk i heard that you have Master Sang's sword i would like yoi to hand it over to me"He handed out his hand

Jang Uk signalled Maidservant kim to bribg the sword but before she left the pronce demanded for something else

And there is another sword you can't unsheathe hand that over too"
It's his fathers sword he has the right to keep it"she defended

Maidservant kim is right i can give you master sang's sword but I refuse to hand over my father's sword"He bowed

There is only one way to solve this with a duel"The prince demanded

So here they were outside watching Uk and the prince have a duel over a sword

Jang Uk looked way better in fighting than before all thanks to her
But he terribly losing all she has to do is get the prince over that line

She went back in the house and grabbed a bucket and went to get the most disgusting water

She came back out and met the other seasons
(Dangu-sommer,Yul autumm,Choyeon-spring,)
She payed them no mind and poured the water on the prince

He crossed the line in disgust
How dare you !"he yelled at her

My prince you crossed the line please keep your promise and let me keep the sword"Jang uk bowed
All right but let me teach her a lesson"The prknce charged at her about to stab her

Suddenly a miracle happened the sword Uk couldn't unsheathe his whole life
That same sword was being held in his own hands protecting her

He pushed back the prince withe sword making the prince's sword snap

Jang uk's sword was pointing at the prince
How dare you raise your sword against the crowned prince"His guard yelled
I'm not in control"He yelled back

Jang Uk charged at the prince but the prince ducked and took another sword and started fighting him
He pushed jang uk back and Dangu got the sword out of his hand but got punched in return

Sorry "IN winced
Maidservant kim was pushed by Jang Uk
Choyeon quickly used a relic and teied his right hand unril it stopped shaking

The prince was about to charge at him but his cousin seo yul stopped him with his two swords style

As you can see he can't control his energy so have mercy and go home"

All four seasons here going against me"the pronce grabbed his sword but was stopped

Your majesty the kkng would be angered if you messed with the four seasons "The guard whispered

Really why didn't you stop me idiot "go won whispered
Before he got to say anything IN rushed to him and bowednon her kneed

Oh your majesty how foolish of me to dirty your clothes"She tried cleaning his shoes with her clothes but the prince stepped back

Yah what are you doing"He yelled

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