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So here's some info

Y/n l/n

Ability: The brilliance of the stars (from a poem created by yours truly)

Ability description:To heighten or decrease the ability of a person.Let it be A gifted user or not gifted.The given ability also allows them to analyze the gifted person by figuring out their ability,age and name.

Background:Here you were in a strange city with stranger people.You don't specifically remember how you died.

The last thing you heard

"To keep you safe...I love you".

Not a bad way to go right? This mysterious person saying a genuine I love you.Now you,spirit of the past was brought back to Yokohama.

Lol but my other fic was trash. So I'm rewriting! And changing it completely </3 .There will be manga spoilers and mentions of gore,violence and suicidal tendencies and situations ( It's a dazai fic duh)Also there will be my ocxcanon

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