-forty two-

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"Who's Saena?" Jihye asked, obviously not knowing what Haera was talking about.

"Her dad is on the board of directors from our school. She attends an art school though. Maybe she was with her dad when she was threatening you, that's why I tracked her IP address there."

"Oh I completely forgot about the IP address. Anyways, what is she doing here?"

"We are uh, acquaintances because her mom and my mom are friends."

"Oh. So, now what?"

"Uh... I have no idea." Haera shrugged.

"Wait, what art school does she attend?"

"Hanlim. Oh fvck."

"Oh fvck indeed. Luckily Jungwon hasn't started school there yet."

"Oh that's great but huh?"

"Yeah. He'll go after the term finishes. He's still in his current school right now."

"Good for him. Anyways, I should get down now. You stay here and hide."

"I bet she already knows."

"Yeah but I don't want her to lash out and kill you. Your boyfriend would kill me."

"Oh well I guess I'll stay here then. I can catch up on my Ninjago."

"What the? You watch that Lego block show?"

"Shut up. It's my childhood. Shoo." And Haera was kicked out of her own room.

"Gosh she can watch Kdramas but she chooses to watch these shows..." Haera muttered to herself as she quickly joined her mother and brother in the living room. Saena sat on a couch with her mother, ever so dolled-up with the act of a 'sweet girl' on.

'I should have seen through this two-faced btch.'

"Ah you're here. I was just talking to Mrs Park about this year's Christmas party." Her mother gestured for her to take a seat. Haera sat next to her brother, right in front of Saena.

"But Christmas is like, more than a month away?"

"Better to be prepared. Anyways, Saena dear, do you have any ideas?"

"Well, I was thinking we could go to a ski resort for a few weeks. I haven't skied in a while."

"We went to a ski resort 3 years back." Haera simply said.

"Well, 3 years seems like a fair amount of time. Or, if you don't like it, we could go to a mountain resort."

"Why not we just have a simple party at someone's house?"

"That's boring."

"Yeah well, doing all these lavish and extravagant ideas also gets boring after you do it every year."

"Then you should come up with something fun to do, if you keep shutting my ideas down." Saena glared at her.

'As if her ideas aren't just recycled from past years.... And I'd rather spend Christmas with my Shiba toy than with her.'

"I did. You just didn't like it."

'Because you're such a spoilt brat, you want every party to scream "I'm rich!"...'

"Why are you being so mean to me?"

"I'm not. I'm just telling the truth. Sometimes a simple party is much better than a trip out to a resort."

"Well, I'll have to disagree with that."

'Yeah, I know... Because you're always being the insufferable btch. Jihye come save me now...'

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now