Dance Monsters is a Netflix original series that debuted on Dec 16th. What the show's about is basically like Alter Ego with a twist of The Masked Dancer, 15 ordinary dancers compete as digital monsters for a chance to win $250,000.
This book is the same as my Masked Singer book with incorrect quotes, headcanons, fanfics and other crap.
Feel free to leave some suggestions but there's a slight chance that I'll actually do them. (The last time I did requests didn't go quite well.)
Like The Masked Singer book. I'll update this whenever I feel like it and unfortunately, it might take a very long time. Sorry about that.
Anyway, enjoy the official trailer. 🥰
Dance Monsters Book of Randomness
RandomSince nobody (that i know of) has done this type of book about Dance Monsters yet, i thought it'll be fun to do (probably) the first of it's kind. Dance Monsters belongs to Netflix.