Round 1

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 - Welcome to The Weakest Link. Any of the nine people in the studio here tonight could win up to 3 million dollars. They don't know each other. However, if they want to win that money, they should become a team. Eight of them will leave with nothing. Because round by round they will be voted off as THE WEAKEST LINK. Let's meet with the team.

In a dark room resembling an amphitheater, searchlights directed their bright blue rays at the players standing opposite the host. A minute later, each pulpit behind which the players were standing lit up, revealing their names to the audience. Today's participants were: Slavya, Elena, Ulyana, Eugenia, Alice, Miku, Olga, Viola and Semyon.

 - Now the rules of our game. In each round, you can win up to three hundred thousand dollars for a limited period of time. The fastest way is to build a chain of nine correct answers and send the coveted amount to the bank. If you answer incorrectly, you will break the chain of correct answers and lose the money earned by the team in this chain. But if you manage to say the word "Bank!" before the question is asked, you will save money, but the chain of answers will begin to build anew. Remember that your winnings will be only the money that you managed to send to the bank, this amount goes with you to the next round. The amount of money earned in each round will be the final prize. You have three minutes for the first round. We'll start with the player whose name is first alphabetically. It's you, Alice. Let's play The Weakest Link!

The sound that marked the beginning of the game sounded.

 - First question costs five thousand dollars. Start the clock!

The round has begun

- Alice, what game is Pele called the king of?

- Football.

- Correct. Miku, what legendary weapon received its baptism of fire on July 14, 1941 in the battles for the city of Orsha?

- "Katyusha"

- Correct. Olga, does the Dnieper or the Danube flow on the territory of Russia?

- Dnieper.

- Correct. Viola, what kind of movie series is Optimus Prime a character in?

- "Transformers"

- Correct. Semyon, did the writer Lewis Carroll or Clive Lewis tell about the fairyland of Narnia?

- Clive Lewis.

- Correct. Slavya, how many letters "o" in the Russian word "car"?

- Two.

- Correct. Elena, for which Soviet singer was the song "By the Black Sea" written?

- Leonid Utesov.

- Correct. Ulyana, the chemical formula of what is H2O?

- Water.

- Correct. Eugenia, which Queen of Egypt was played by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963?

- Cleopatra.

- Correct. Alice...

- Bank!

A sound sounded in the room, informing that the players had reached the target and deposited $ 300,000 in the bank.

- Great! You have reached the target of the round and put three hundred thousand dollars in the bank! This money will go to the next round. But you need to answer the question: Who will not go further with you? Who will leave at the very beginning? One of you has to leave with nothing! It's time to identify The Weakest Link!

The music deafened the hall, the floodlights dimmed, and nine people took up signs with markers. So the voting began, according to which one of them will have to leave the game. At this time, on the TV screens of ordinary people, the announcer announced the statistical results of the last round.

- The voting is over! It's time to determine who in your opinion is The Weakest Link!

Intermittent music sounded again and the camera paused on Slavya, who turned over her sign to show her choice. The rest of the participants did the same.

- Miku, how are you feeling?

- Thank you, very wonderful. I am glad to visit such a legendary game!

- That's good to hear. Why Ulyana?

- I think she was a little late in answering and she is the youngest among us.

- So you're kicking her out just because she's the youngest?

- You could say that.

- Olga, how do you like the atmosphere?

- Very tense, but that's what I like.

- Why was Ulyana chosen?

- Exactly for the same reasons.

- Ulyana, the team decided that you don't belong here. With eight votes, you are The Weakest Link! Goodbye!

The music of the "walk of shame" began to sound and the searchlights began to move slowly. Ulyana put down the sign and went to the exit.

- Kick me out just because I'm young! Why? It's weird!

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