+5 Star+ - CL

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I wrote this story back in the days when I had a big ass crush on CL ❤️💛
Hope you guys like it :)


It was three fifty in the afternoon, with yourself working at the local coffee shop, as usual, being bored to death, since there was no movement in the shop. That was until she came in.

Your POV:

Damn, this is sooo boring! How come there can be only three customers at the shop? It's almost afternoon's break time for majority of the people that work around here.

And as I was lost in my thoughts, I hear the bell above the door ring, seeing a very familiar figure.

– Noona! Thank goodness you're here!

Chaerin: Hey, Y/n. I see someone missed me a lot.

– You have no idea. This place is boring me to death. You're late for the usual, by the way. What happened?

Chaerin: Business, baby. That's the reason.

– Ooh. So you're about to drop another song?

Chaerin: Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? I want the usual, by the way.

– You're the boss.

I then proceed to prepare her usual, a venti cappuccino with a bit of cinnamon. Once it's ready, I hand it to Chaerin, sitting together with her.

Chaerin (chuckling): Someone is really excited to see me, today.

– It's just that today's being the worst day, this week. Hella boring with nothing happening.

You're not only, my only company, but also my escape of this reality, so I don't lose my sanity.

Chaerin: How cute and kinda sad. Well, since you want some company, let's talk. How you've been, Y/n?

– Same as always. Working as a coffee barista to survive in this capitalistic world.

Chaerin: Geez, why be such a downer?

– Sorry. It's just that talking with you is my entertainment around here. The only person that keeps my mind away from work, while I'm at it.

Chaerin; I see. Well, since that's the case, wanna hang out some day, after work, then?

– I wish I could, but I leave the shop at ten.

Chaerin: So, on your next day off. What do you think?

– Deal. I'm already looking forward to it.

Chaerin: So am I.

And as she answers, I hear my boss screaming at me:

– Y/n! Stop slacking and get back to work!

And as I was about to answer, Chaerin gets up from her seat. Wait, what she's gonna do?

Chaerin: Can't you see that there are only two customers, other than me?! Let the boy talk to a friend, will ya?!

Okay, I didn't expect this happening, but gotta admit that she looks hot, when she gets all feisty, like this.

And as I snap back to reality, I get myself up, trying to sit Chaerin down, before she fucks up things at my side.

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