The One I've Been Waiting For - SuA

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So, this story was requested by a friend of mine, so everything that's personal, comes from them

Hope you guys like it :)


It was three fifty in the afternoon and as always, you were at the coffee shop you work at, bored to death, since there was no move in the shop. That was until she came in.

Your POV:

Ugh, this is sooo boring! How come there can be only three customers at the shop? It's almost afternoon's break time for majority of the people that work around here. And as I was lost in my thoughts, I hear the bell above the door ring, seeing a very familiar figure.

– Noona! Thank goodness you're here! This place is boring me to death. You're late for the usual, by the way. What happened?

Bora: Hey, Y/n. I'm glad you're that happy to see me and answering your question, extra training.

– You? Extra training? Why is that?

Bora: The boss asked us to.

– Sure, because you really need to train twenty four seven, so you can get good at dancing, right?

Bora: Not wanting to brag, but agreed on that. I want the usual, by the way.

– You're the boss.

I then proceed to prepare her usual order, a venti cappuccino with a bit of cinnamon. Once it's ready, I hand it to Bora, sitting together with her.

Bora: Someone is really excited to see me.

– It's just that today's being the worst day, this week. Extremely boring with nothing exciting happening. You're not only, my only company, but also my escape of this reality, so I don't lose my sanity.

Bora: That's cute, but also kinda sad. But it doesn't matter, cuz now I'm here. So, how you've been, Y/n?

– Same as always, I guess. Working as a coffee barista to survive in this capitalistic world.

Bora: Geez. Why be such a downer?

– Sorry. It's just that talking with you is my entertainment around here. The only person that keeps me sane, while I'm at work.

Bora; Again, that's cute, yet sad. Well, since that's the case, wanna hang out some day, after work, then?

– I wish I could, but I leave the shop at eleven.

Bora: So, on your next day off. What do you think?

– Deal. I'm already looking forward to it.

Bora: Great. Actually, before we go on this date, I want you to come over to the company.

– Wait, what?! Seriously?!

Bora: Uhum. The thing is, you're my best friend outside from work and this whole KPop industry and because of that, I want you to watch me rehearsal and tell me what you think. Don't get me wrong for what I'm about to say, but I want an opinion of a non-professional.

– That's understandable, but you said you want someone outside from KPop and I'm your fan.

Bora: I know and I do appreciate that, but like I said, you're still just a regular person, not someone from the business itself.

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