The Junker Vs The Killer Clown

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*An ice cream truck zoomed down an empty highway as an eerie jingle played. The driver, Sweet Tooth, had something on his mind.*

Sweet tooth: So if I win this tournament of Calypso's, I'll have a single wish granted. Just what I needed! There's no hiding from me now!

*He was busy with the though of spilling her blood when he was interrupted by the sound of another vehicle.*

Sweet tooth: Hm?

*He looked in the mirror to see a large man in a gas mask tailing him on a motorcycle getting close fast*

Sweet tooth: what the hell? What does he want?

*Before Sweet Tooth could think about anything else, Roadhog threw his hook at the truck, trying to latch on to the backdoor. He missed, but managed to scratch the target.*

Sweet tooth: That fucker! What is he trying to do to my truck?! I'll make that bastard bleed!

*He leaned out the window and fired at the motorcycle, puncturing its tire. Roadhog lost control and jumped off. He landed on the bitumen and stared at his broken vehicle as he got up.*

*Meanwhile, Sweet Tooth pulled over and got out of his truck. With his machete in hand, he slowly walked towards Roadhog, who was not paying attention to him.*

Sweet tooth: I'll gut you like a fish you piece of shit!

*Roadhog directed his attention to the clown and walked towards him slowly*

Roadhog: I just wanted some ice cream and you wreck my chopper for it. I'll make you pay Clown!

Sweet Tooth: Fuck your chopper! You tried to damage my truck! Now get ready to bleed!

*Roadhog grunted as he held up his hook and scrap gun.*

*The two stare down at each other and were now prepared to kill*

*With his desire to kill, Sweet Tooth ran at Roadhog and swung his machete. Roadhog blocked the attack with his hook, as well as a few more after that. With the first chance he got, Roadhog aimed his Scrap Gun at the clown and fired. Sweet Tooth held his machete in front of himself to reduce damage, but was still knocked back a little after taking some damage.*

Sweet tooth: Guns eh? Well two can play it this game!

*Roadhog fired a chunk of scrap metal at Sweet Tooth, who quickly pulled out his shotgun and blasted the oncoming projectile to pieces. Roadhog fired a two more chunks but Sweet Tooth took care of them easily in the same manner. Roadhog now had to reload his gun.*

Sweet tooth: your wide open!

*Sweet Tooth blasted Roadhog with the shotgun, briefly stunning him. He then equipped his machete and began slashing Roadhog a for a few seconds before barging into him with his shoulder. Roadhog was sent flying through the air and bounced a little. He then got back to his feet while coughing.*

*Meanwhile. Sweet Tooth was preparing some Molotov Cocktails. He started throwing them at Roadhog, who saw them and shot them out of the air like clay discs before they could reach him.*

Sweet tooth: stubborn swine! I can't wait to see you suffer!

*Sweet Tooth was about to throw another bottle but was interrupted when Roadhog tossed out his hook, grabbed Sweet Tooth and pulled him closer to his position.*

Sweet tooth: the hell?

*Before Sweet Tooth could say anything else, he was blasted wit the scrap gun. Roadhog then hit the clown with the hook, causing him to stumble back a bit. Roadhog was safe to reload.*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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