Christmas special

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Hey guys. The new chapter is in the works but so far isn't great. I'm just rlly hating what I'm writing. And my personal life has been bad recently. This is just a rough piece made to entertain you since you've all been so patient <3 you guys are the best! (This is extra has no effect to the actual story line but is set in that universe. Just a fun extra. And something different to write without the stress of everything affecting the story line)

Let's go!


* knock knock*
"Scott! Open the door."
"I left my copy of your key I made without your consent at home..." stiles said under his breath.
Stiles was standing outside Scotts house with a nice bottle of wine his father had given him as a gift for Melissa and a Christmas wreath he'd made himself because he new Scotts had been stolen last year.

Stiles leaned up towards the door and tried looking through the peep hole. It was then that Scott had finally come and swung the door open, causing stiles to fall forward and head butt Scott in the face. "Owww, Stiles what the heck are you doing here buddy, it's 7 in the morning". Scott had prevented them both from falling over and stood Stiles up right before rubbing his face and moaning in pain. But the pain quickly passed. Unfortunately for Stiles the pain resonated for a few more minutes.

"Well Scott...ow...For one I had to avoid all the traffic. And since Christmas is literally around the corner I've had a lot of work to do. Shopping and everything. I want to plan a big dinner with everyone . Not that having Christmas with just me and my dad is bad. Anyway I came here to help you get into the Christmas spirit, I made you a wreath, already stuck it on the door. Hopefully no one steals it this time."

"Thanks Stiles, you coming in or what"

"Right" stiles brushed his shoes on the mat and stepped inside.


"Where's Melissa? Dad asked me to give her this bottle of wine." Stiles raised the bottle and twisted it to show the label.

"She's at work, doesn't get back till late tonight" Scott sat on the bottom of the stairs and fiddled with his hands.

"That's great!" Stiles' face lit up and he gave a great goofy smile.

"It is?" Scott questioned in confusion

"Yep, while Melissa is away, we can get to work on decorating, she's always so busy she's got no time to decorate, and Scott you be slacking for real." Stiles said as he walked over to the kitchen to place the wine on the bench.

"Right...right! Ok, where do we start." Scott jumped up and rubbed his hands together.

Stiles turned to face Scott and smiled. "Nice to see the Christmas spirit has finally reached you. First we the garage! Time to crack out the old Christmas stuff."

Scott and stiles walked over to the door that leads to the car port/garage, and flipped on the light, coughing from some dust stiles waved his hand in front of his face and adjusted to the poor lighting. "When's the last time you were in here" stiles squinted his eyes

"Just the other day, I keep my bike in here." Scott leaned on the door frame.

"Guess you just looked.. straight past all the, ah! clutter" stiles said as he was attempting to weave through everything, tripping a few times.

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