Part 1

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Well I suppose I should start with an introduction. My name is Mercedes Alsona Ulyee and I'm sort of a witch. This is the story of how I met-
Wade how did you even-
•Don't question it. Plus part of this story is mine too!
Yeah I suppose you're right.
•You say 'suppose' a lot.
Mhmm, anyway, we can't go back and forth like about since you can barely remember your lesser half of your life, when I was in it, I'll tell that part then from then on we'll take turns, okay?
Okay, then on with the story!

I was lost and hungry. The Canadian woods were no help either. Well at least for the lost part it wasn't. My eyes had locked on an elk. My mouth watered as I got into a pouncing position. Right as I was about to make my kill I heard someone yell, "Help! Somebody please I-" they're words had faded as if- •was it me? ...As if they NEEDED to be quiet. I would've ignored them if they hadn't scared the elk off. And I will admit that it really wasn't in ANY of my intentions to save them, I was hungry after all. My kind eat near to anything and everything as long as it's meat or natural selection. As I grew near to the source I could hear growling that wasn't my stomach. I could see a wolf, it's attention located away from me. In front of the wolf was a boy. His-•is it me now? His hair was blonde and his frightened eyes blue. I don't know what drove me to save the little boy, I could've let the wolf tear him apart so when I attacked the wolf it would have more meat, but for some strange reason I didn't. I made my black mist magic enter the wolf's ear, causing excruciating high pitched noise. The beast naturally whined and ran off to rid off it. I walked up to the boy- •seriously, is it me? ...curiosity and wonder replaced the fear. "Who are you?" He asked. My eyes flickered a quick shade of red before returning to its regular brown color. •I remember that, it scared the shit outta me but it was f@cking cool! ...right, fear set in again to his little body. Yet he stood his ground and said, "Thanks for saving me, weird lady." I scowled "Why are you out here?" I asked through clenched teeth. He narrowed his eyes. "Why are YOU out here?" He sneered. I struck the nearby tree with my sharp nails. "I'm just walking." he said quickly. "Then you know how to get out of here?" I asked eagerly. He nodded as if he were proud to know the woods so well. "Are you lost or somethin'?" He asked taking a step towards me. I nodded weakly. I needed food, my senses were dulling and my strength was draining from me. "You okay miss?" He asked taking two steps closer. My eyes, now flickering red more rapidly, darted towards him causing him to step back. "I-I haven't a while. I need food." at my words his eyes avoided mine fearfully. "I won't be forced to eat you if you can just get me food." I groaned. "You'd be saving my life, kid, trust me." I strained through my teeth. At those words his face lit up. "Save you? Like a hero?!" He said excitedly. At the time I took no notice to his excitement, I was partially dying after all . "Yeah, sure." I mumbled. He quickly grabbed my arm. I reeled at the contact. "C'mon, if I'm gonna be your hero you have to let me save you!" He said rather stubbornly. I was short so- •WAS? You still are Sadie. ..shush. so he was half my height. He stood me up more to make me walk. "I have food at my house. Save damsel in distress." he said mumbling the latter. "What." I asked trying to prop myself up so not as to put so much of my weight on him. "Nothing." he said leading the way.

About thirty minutes later we arrived in the backyard of a house. It wasn't bad but it didn't look up to key either. "Is this where you live?" I asked, sitting myself down before stepping on the property. "Yeah, me and my dad. I'll get you something." he said running inside. I stayed in my spot, my vision fading every now and then. It wasn't long before he came back. "I made some sandwiches." he said placing three of them on my lap. I devoured them in seconds. "Woah. You must've been reeeally hungry. You want some more?" He offered. I nodded. Before he left I called to him. "Wait, do you have meat? It's better. For...someone like me." I asked. He did a simple confident nod. Minutes later he came back. My brows furrowed as I saw nothing in his hands. "What." I snapped. "We don't have cooked meat. We have steak but-" I forced back a growl. "It doesn't have to be cooked juST....give it to me." I tried to calm myself. He was trying to help me and I had to keep reminding myself of that. I never really had the best temper after all-•yeah you could say that again. ..The boy hurried back to the house. He returned to me with a bloody steak. It filled me more than those three sandwiches. His eyes were wide yet they didn't look scared. I stood up. "Thanks kid." I looked at the small shed behind the house. "Does anyone go in there?" The boy shook his head "My dad doesn't do jackshit anymore." I eyed him for his language. "Sorry, hey what's your name?" He asked. "Mine's Wade, Wade Wilson."•YUS! ...he continued as I walked toward the shed. "Mercedes Uylee." There was a few bags of manure in the shed. "It stinks in here." I shrugged as I pushed a lawn mower out of the way. "Not anything I'm not used to." I mumbled bitterly. "Wow, you're really strong my dad can barely push that thing out the way and you just waved it away like nothing. Did you live on a farm? I bet that's why you're used to the smell. Animals stink. Especially the big ones. Are you going to stay here?" He was lucky my patience was more than normal. My kin would devoured him by now for not shutting up. "Yes, will you tell your dad?" Wade shook his head. "We can be buddies now right?" I turned to him only slightly, "Right."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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