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when max opens his eyes, it was still rather dark in the hotel room. the only source of light being the small amount of sun cracking through the gaps between the blinds. he looks over at nick who had rolled over sometime in the night. maxs arm was laid underneath nicks body and his hand lay softly in nicks hand. max smiles at the sight but then realises his arm was stuck. he tried to move it as softly as possible so he didnt wake nick up. nick squirms slightly but that makes it easier for max to move his arm. after a couple seconds, his arm was out. he sighed before leaning over to the bedside table and grabbing his phone.

he scrolls through instagram before he comes across a post.


tagged solomaxn

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tagged solomaxn

liked by notnick and 2471 others

notnick took him out for a walk🥸

user posted 4 hours ago? that was 2am

user tf they doing up at 2am?

user non of their friends have liked it.  THEY WENT OUT ON THEIR OWN AND DIDNT TELL ANYONE

user i love how the writer is giving us information that's important to the book through insta comments

max stares at the post, a small smile present on his face, he likes the photo and he hears nicks phone go off on the other side of the room. nick must of posted it late last night.

last night.

max can't help but squeal internally at the thought of last night. he had so much fun. the two of them running around LA. getting ice cream and exploring random parts of the city. it felt like 20 minutes to max but they were out for an hour and a half. max was smiling the whole time.

he looked over at the boy next to him. sleeping peacefully. nicks hand lay next to his face, empty. maxs hand was laying there minutes prior. he thinks back to last night again and remembers his hand being laced with nicks. as they walked throughout the empty yet busy city. he internally squealed again.

as he thought over the night that had passed, he had a thought he didn't think he'd be having so soon. a small frown quickly forms on his face. he knew it'd happen eventually, but he didn't think this soon. he sits up properly as if to brace himself. looks back down at nick, the small distressed frown still on his face. he sighs before he gets out of bed and gets his shoes on. he doesn't know where he's going but he just needs to think.


the whisper catches his off guard. he turns around slowly and looks at where the sound had come from. it was chris.

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